Teller Report

What do you think of the uncivilized behavior of picking and merging Tilian and stealing swan eggs? -Chinanews video

8/10/2020, 2:01:32 PM

  With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, tourism has returned to people's lives. A few days ago, some uncivilized tourism behaviors were exposed on the Internet, and incidents such as tourists taking off Xuanwu Lake and tying lotus flowers, and the stolen swan eggs of Beijing Safari Park have attracted attention. Will you step forward to stop uncivilized behaviors in tourism? S...

  With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, tourism has returned to people's lives. A few days ago, some uncivilized tourism behaviors were exposed on the Internet, and incidents such as tourists taking off Xuanwu Lake and tying lotus flowers, and the stolen swan eggs of Beijing Safari Park have attracted attention. Will you step forward to stop uncivilized behaviors in tourism? Should tourism uncivilized behavior be included in the legal supervision system? In the future, what ways can be used to restrain the occurrence of these behaviors? Recently, reporters took to the streets to interview people's opinions.

  Reporting from Beijing by reporter Fan Siyi and Liu Xuanting

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]

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