Teller Report

Thousands of certificates of appreciation and support: Hussein Al Jasmi We all love you

8/10/2020, 7:40:44 PM

After days of silence, The Emirati artist, Hussein Al Jasmi, responded to the bullying campaign he was subjected to, as he tweeted on his personal account on the Twitter site yesterday, saying: “Our silence is out of respect we have been brought up on. As soon as it is published; Tweet found C.

He broke his silence after a campaign of bullying: our silence is a respect we were raised on

Thousands of certificates of appreciation and support: Hussein Al Jasmi We all love you

Hussein Al Jasmi: "Our silence is a respect we have been raised on. We forgive and think well of generosity, and we ignore honor, all of you love."

After days of silence, The Emirati artist, Hussein Al Jasmi, responded to the bullying campaign he was subjected to, as he tweeted on his personal account on the Twitter site yesterday, saying: “Our silence was out of respect we were brought up on. We forgive and think generously, and we ignore honor, all of you love.” As soon as it is published; The tweet found great interaction from the audience and followers of Al-Jasmi, who expressed their pride in him, the art that it offers, as well as the kindness, humanity and high morals that it is characterized by, considering that his response is the biggest example of this, describing him as "having a heart of roses." A large number of artists and public figures also interacted with Al Jasmi's response, including the artist Makadi Nahhas, who tweeted: "All love and respect for your wonderful person and your most beautiful art." And the artist Kinda Alloush, who responded in a tweet in which she said: “Respected by his presence, absence, fingerprint and speech… when God grants a person a great talent and increases his morals, respect and etiquette .. Hussain_ al-Jassmi.” And the artist Natasha wrote: "Your long life is great, oh artist, with your morals and upbringing, and we all love you," and composer Mustafa Gad wrote: "The artist is right." Emirati journalist Mohammed Al-Mannai tweeted: "Authentic." Composer Michel Fadel said: "We raise the hat for you in respect of your sincere love for Lebanon .. Thank you from me and from all of Lebanon. All Lebanon loves you."

Certificates of love and respect

Al-Jasmi's response was preceded by testimonies of love and pride for him. Social networking sites flooded them during the past days, through the hashtag "Hussein Al Jasmi We All Love You", which was launched by the fans and fans of the artist, following the bullying campaign he was exposed to, and the trend in various Arab countries, and the hashtag witnessed wide participation From the public, artists and public figures who praised not only the fine art Al Jasmi offers, but also for his high morals and humanity with everyone.

The artist, through her personal accounts on social media, published a picture of Hussein Al Jasmi, commenting: "The pride of my country is my two brothers, Hussein Al Jasmi." The Egyptian composer Walid Saad, who collaborated with Al-Jasmi in many famous works, including “Subh 6”, “Say I’m Back to Him,” and “I Love You and I miss you,” responded via his Twitter account, tweeting: “Of course, I am also a great artist. Hussein Al Jasmi and actress dreams of pride in the UAE and the Arab world ».

The writer and poet Ayman Bahjat Qamar described Al-Jasmi as the companion of the journey, and he said in a tweet on his Twitter account: “The great artist .. the companion of the journey .. Who love you and miss me for the morning 6 .. After the separation .. the people of Cairo .. good skin .. no one Comfortable .. the year of life .. and many other needs .. Hussein Al Jasmi is success, taste, respect and literature.

First-rate artist

Emirati artist and composer Fayez Al-Saeed published a picture of his body in the studio, through his account on “Instagram”, commenting: “What winds shake you with love, God alone knows your metal, your purity and your spontaneity, and the haters are shaking his hair. The Lebanese critic Jamal Fayyad published a tweet: "With you and your soul and heart, virtuous humanity continues." The Syrian artist Suzan Najm al-Din tweeted in response to the rumor of Al-Jasmi thinking about retirement: “Hussein Al Jasmi we all love you ... and those who offend you have offended themselves, and you are greater than all these polemics.”

Other artists also praised Al-Jasmi for his morals, talent, presence and respect, including the Egyptian Actors Syndicate, Dr. Ashraf Zaki, who commented in a statement, saying: “I do not know why the symbols are distorted and the adults are insulted, what happened with the body lacks taste and decency. I ask him not to pay attention to the trivialities, because he is great in his art and with his broad audience. ” While the captain of the musicians, artist Hani Shaker, commented: “Bullying is rejected. Hussein Al Jasmi is a great artist and has a wide audience in the entire Arab world. Bullyers are always enemies of success. They should not be looked after or given more than their destiny. Hussein Al Jasmi is wonderful in everything, talent, presence and respect.” He also showed solidarity with Al Jasmi, the Egyptian composer Wajih Aziz, the Lebanese artist Melhem Zein, the Syrian artist Nasreen Tafesh, and many others.

Success march

The people's great love for the artist Hussein Al Jasmi did not come out of nowhere, but rather the fruit of effort and a path of success and diligence during which Al Jasmi presented many successful works of art, and sang in various Arabic dialects, which made him close to the entire Arab audience, and participated in many festivals and concerts, and reaped many Awards and honors. He was the first Arab artist in the annual "Christmas" charity party in its 26th edition at the "Vatican", in December 2018, and he also joined the list of goodwill ambassadors of the United Nations, under the umbrella of the World Food Organization (Emsam), in 2010. And the Canadian International College, CIC, in the Arab Republic of Egypt, awarded him an honorary doctorate in 2017.

Makadi Nahas:

"All love for your wonderful person and your most beautiful art."

Kinda Alloush:

"He is respected by his presence, absence, fingerprint and speech."

Michel Fadel:

"We raise the hat for you, out of respect for your sincere love for Lebanon."

Fayez Al-Saeed:

"A first-class artist, and we are proud of your art because you are a milestone."

Susan Najmuddin:

"Those who offend you have offended themselves, and you are greater than the polemics."

Hani Shaker:

"Hussein Al Jasmi is a great artist and has a wide audience in the Arab world."

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