Teller Report

Lorraine: an Ehpad reconfigured after thirty cases of coronavirus and one death

8/10/2020, 9:01:33 PM

The 84 residents of an Ehpad in Pulnoy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, were re-confined to their rooms after the discovery of five staff and 29 residents contaminated by the coronavirus and the death of a nonagenarian.

The 84 residents of an Ehpad in Pulnoy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, were re-confined to their rooms after the discovery of five staff and 29 residents contaminated by the coronavirus and the death of a nonagenarian.

The 84 residents of an Ehpad in Pulnoy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, were re-confined to their rooms after the discovery of five staff and 29 residents contaminated by the coronavirus and the death of a nonagenarian, announced on Monday the ARS of the Grand Est.

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29 residents and five workers tested positive

"Of the total of 84 residents in the nursing home (accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people), an establishment of the Acoris mutualist group, 29 have tested positive for Covid-19, as well as five professionals working within the structure, out of a total of 60 employees, "said the Regional Health Agency (ARS) in a press release. According to the president of this Ehpad, "only four people have symptoms, all the others have no symptoms", and no resident has been hospitalized.

"A person over the age of 90, who tested positive on August 6 and tested negative on August 8, died on August 9," the ARS reported. After the confirmation of two cases of coronavirus on August 5 among the residents, "the establishment took all the measures aimed at isolating and protecting all the residents" and "a collective screening of all residents and employees was organized "the following two days, according to the ARS. "In view of the magnitude of the positive results, it was decided (...) to retest a certain number of samples by another laboratory", reports the ARS.


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"Increased surveillance and medical follow-up of patients" have been put in place

The elderly are confined with "taking meals in the room, stopping entertainment activities and suspension of outside interventions". The families, whose visits have been suspended, have been informed of the situation, according to the ARS.
"Increased surveillance and medical follow-up of patients" have been put in place, as well as "reinforced cleaning of the premises". In addition, a "census of people who visited residents over the past few days, and of external workers who visited the establishment" was organized "in order to transmit the contact details of these potential 'contact cases' to the 'Health Insurance in charge of' contact tracing '", announced the ARS.

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The nursing home, located in a town of 5,000 inhabitants, "had not previously experienced positive cases among residents and employees", according to the ARS.

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