Teller Report

Health priority - Foot health (Replay)

8/10/2020, 11:22:38 AM

According to the National Health Observatory and following the 2018 national foot health survey, 74% of French people have "sore feet".

Foot health (Rerun)

Audio 48:30

74% of French people have sore feet. Pixabay

By: Caroline Paré Follow


Video by: Caroline Paré Follow

According to the National Health Observatory and following the 2018 national foot health survey, 74% of French people have "sore feet".


Hidden in our shoes for a good part of the year, they can nevertheless be at the origin of a long list of pathologies, more or less disabling: mycosis, corns, onions, calluses and ingrown toenails ...

Is it normal to have sore feet? How to avoid pain? How to take care of it ? Who and when to consult?

  • Muriel Montenvert, pedicure-podiatrist, posturologist, in Paris, secretary general of the French Union for Foot Health (UFSP)
  • Prof Suzanne Niang , Head of the Venereology Dermatology Department at Aristide Le Dantec Hospital in Dakar, Senegal. Responsible for dermatology teaching at the Faculty of Medicine.

At the end of the program, we find the sports chronicle of Dr Jean-Marc Sène, sports doctor and the French judo team.

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