Teller Report

External Professionalism Project

8/10/2020, 10:08:58 PM

We are optimistic about the presence of Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Al Nuaimi at the head of the football pyramid as president of the Football Association, and in front of him are great challenges in order to advance the Emirati football at all levels, which require the solidarity of all institutions, bodies and sports councils, and cooperation for the development of Emirati football, and to adopt

Sports opinion

External Professionalism Project

Hussein Al-Shaibani

August 11, 2020

We are optimistic about the presence of Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Al Nuaimi at the head of the football pyramid as president of the Football Association, and in front of him are great challenges in order to advance the Emirati football at all levels, which require the solidarity of everyone, including institutions, bodies and sports councils, and cooperation for the development of Emirati football, and that His Highness adopts the "Opening the Door" project In front of the professionalism of UAE players abroad, ”on the grounds that it is a“ national sports project, ”which is the best solution for the development of UAE football and the national teams.

Professionalism must be formal, and the Football Association is well versed in the project, by creating a committee emanating from the Professionalism Committee, called the "Coordination and Support Committee for External Professionalism", and its approval of the player's professionalism is a fundamental thing after the approval of the player, his guardian and his club, and that the committee is responsible Knowing all the details about the club to which the player will move, and the player must be professional when he is young, because European clubs do not want the professionalism of an old player. The only way for Emirati football to return is through external professionalism, which makes the player tactically and mentally disciplined. And foreign relations have a role in the success of this project by concluding agreements with football federations in some European countries, such as Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Croatia, to contract with talented players in the Emirates, with these players joining second-class teams, and graduating to first-class teams in the future.

Where is the young talented "Hussein Messi" about external professionalism? He is now at the age of 13 years, the same age as the Argentine player, Lionel Messi, when he was adopted by FC Barcelona, ​​and he honed his talent and developed it, until he became the best player in the world. "Hussein Messi" is a project of a player ready for foreign professionalism, so why did we not find someone to adopt this talented player to play abroad?

The decision to "cut salaries" stimulates the talent in our clubs to become professional in Europe. The contracts of professional players at our clubs have ballooned unacceptably, and the clubs are in debt. Huge salaries have become an obstacle to external professionalism, and perhaps the decision to "reduce salaries" will be a major move in the future of Emirati football, with the aim of making it assume a global position, and also contribute to encouraging players to become professional externally in European clubs in particular, especially since the Emirati player needs such a decision to organize His professional life, and he also helps clubs organize their financial affairs, so this will result in an abundance of players, who are encouraged to go for an external experience, far from material ambitions, but whose goal is to emerge and develop, and to move a step forward in European stadiums, and the progression from small European clubs to Big.

• The only way for Emirati football to return is through external professionalism, which makes the player tactically and mentally disciplined.

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