Teller Report

Departure under the control of revelers participating in a rave in Lozère

8/10/2020, 2:34:39 PM

Two Covid-19 screening centers are being installed near the site, to be operational on Tuesday morningIllustration of gendarmerie. - Elisa Frisullo / 20 Minutes The rally still consisted of around 4,500 people, Monday at midday, the prefecture said in a statement. The revelers gathered on agricultural land in Lozère for a rave party, despite the limitation of gatherings linked to Covid-19, however gradually left the premises, where up to 10,000 people gathered. "All means are implemented so that ...

Illustration of gendarmerie. - Elisa Frisullo / 20 Minutes

The rally still consisted of around 4,500 people, Monday at midday, the prefecture said in a statement. The revelers gathered on agricultural land in Lozère for a rave party, despite the limitation of gatherings linked to Covid-19, however gradually left the premises, where up to 10,000 people gathered.

"All means are implemented so that they leave the premises as quickly and in the best possible safety conditions", indicated the prefect Valérie Hatsch, who must take into account the presence of many tourists staying in the surrounding places. and also traveling on narrow roads.

Valérie HATSCH, prefect of Lozère, condemns the organization of the #raveparty in Hures-la-Parade, all the more so in the current health context, without regard for the protection of the inhabitants and the people who go there.
➡️ The press release:

- Prefect of Lozère (@ Prefet_48) August 9, 2020

In the morning, the prefecture of Lozère explained that "many people were not able to drive" and that the gendarmes had issued verbalizations for alcohol levels and use of narcotics.

A total of nearly 180 gendarmes

The gathering is located on a limestone plateau, the Causse Méjean, crossed by gorges, in the heart of the Cévennes national park. As of Sunday morning, the gendarmes had blocked the access to prevent other ravers from joining the party where there were also "very young children", according to the prefect.

Two Covid-19 screening centers are being installed in transit areas, near the site, to be operational on Tuesday morning, also indicated Valérie Hatsch.

Mobilization of @sdislozere and the @CroixRouge delegation around the system set up near the site to relay prevention messages # COVID19

- Prefect of Lozère (@ Prefet_48) August 10, 2020

At midday, fifty soldiers from the departmental gendarmerie group were supported by three mobile force units providing a total support of 180 gendarmes, supported by a judicial police team.

Advanced medical post

Investigations are continuing to determine the identity of all the organizers, who will be the subject of legal proceedings, warns the prefecture. "One of the six sound walls is being dismantled," said the prefect.

During the night from Sunday to Monday, the advanced medical post held by the departmental fire and rescue service received seven visits: among these people, two were evacuated to the Mende hospital center.

A tanker truck against forest fires is also ready to respond to any outbreak of fire on the site.

A "massive influx of people who respect nothing"

Several hundred vehicles had invaded this agricultural land in the town of Hures-la-Parade to set up this rave party, Saturday evening around midnight.

According to the farmers, the town hall and the gendarmes, more than 10,000 people were present for this event, while the demonstrations of more than 5,000 people are still banned in France due to the Covid-19 epidemic.

"The Lozériens were very serious with the Covid, they respected the barrier gestures and this massive arrival of people who respect nothing deeply shocked them", had underlined Sunday evening Valérie Hatsch.

Lozère was one of the French departments least affected by the coronavirus.


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Coronavirus in Lozère: A rave party worries farmers

  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • security
  • Rave
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Society