Teller Report

Dangxiong Horse Racing Festival in Tibet: Watching "Young Wind Chasing Boys" on the Grassland-China News Video

8/10/2020, 11:34:33 AM

  Recently, with the blooming of colorful salutes, the 7-day 2020 "Dangjiren" Horse Racing Festival officially kicked off at Dangjiren Racecourse in Dangxiong County, Lhasa City, Tibet. The "Dangjiren" horse racing festival is a national "intangible cultural heritage". It has a history of more than 300 years and is an annual event for the people of Dangxiong. The competition will run from August 8...

  Recently, with the blooming of colorful salutes, the 7-day 2020 "Dangjiren" Horse Racing Festival officially kicked off at Dangjiren Racecourse in Dangxiong County, Lhasa City, Tibet. The "Dangjiren" horse racing festival is a national "intangible cultural heritage". It has a history of more than 300 years and is an annual event for the people of Dangxiong. The competition will run from August 8, 2020 to August 14, 2020.

  This horse racing festival is rich in content, diverse in form and diverse in competition events. There are large-scale theatrical performances at the opening ceremony, such as horse races such as 10km horse race, Namtso Lake Race, horse sprint, equestrian show, etc.; traditional Tibetan sports such as yak racing, Tibetan weightlifting, male and female tug-of-war, jagging, and ethnic costumes Theatrical performances include performances, Guozhuang Dance, Four Seasons Pastoral, and Folk Song duet.

  The successful holding of the 2020 "Dangjiren" Horse Racing Festival has carried forward the traditional horse racing culture of Dangxiong while inheriting the spirit of the nomadic people. (Xie Mu)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]