Teller Report

Brazil's Sao Paulo business restarts under the epidemic to promote economic recovery-Chinanews

8/10/2020, 11:13:45 AM

On August 9, local time, a red heart sign wearing masks was set up in front of a shopping mall in Sao Paulo, Brazil, reminding people to wear masks when going out. At present, the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, is in accordance with the economic restart plan to gradually promote the commercial restart in stages. Shops, shopping centers, restaurants, bars, gyms, parks and other places have been opened ...

On August 9, local time, a red heart sign wearing masks was set up in front of a shopping mall in Sao Paulo, Brazil, reminding people to wear masks when going out. At present, the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, is in accordance with the economic restart plan to gradually promote the commercial restart in stages. Shops, shopping centers, restaurants, bars, gyms, parks and other places have been opened to a limited extent, and the economy is gradually recovering. According to data released by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, as of the 9th, Brazil has accumulated more than 3.03 million confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and more than 100,000 deaths. Photo by China News Agency reporter Mo Chengxiong

Release time: 2020-08-10 10:46:41 【Editor: Li Peiyun】