Teller Report

Blind guy becomes a music producer: Using music to convey optimism and hard work-中国新网视频

8/10/2020, 2:10:50 PM

  [On-site synchronization]   [Explanation] In the exercise room, Huang Yanping is instructing the team members to practice the original song "No Winter Is Impossible", which is a blind chorus group called "Seeing". Although the team members are all blind by nature, But there is a sense of excitement. On August 10th, the reporter interviewed Huang Yanping at the Fujian Disabled Sports Management ...

  [On-site synchronization]

  [Explanation] In the exercise room, Huang Yanping is instructing the team members to practice the original song "No Winter Is Impossible", which is a blind chorus group called "Seeing". Although the team members are all blind by nature, But there is a sense of excitement. On August 10th, the reporter interviewed Huang Yanping at the Fujian Disabled Sports Management Center.

  [Concurrent] Fuzhou Music Producer Huang Yanping

  This chorus group was established in 2009. The life of the disabled is relatively scarce, but the big guys have their own hobbies, which allows us to sing together and do some performances, and the big guys add a little stage experience to the society. Show more of our group.

  [Explanation] Huang Yanping is 34 years old this year. When he was 10 years old, he went to school for the blind and began to get in touch with the piano. Huang Yanping's talent in music has gradually revealed. With his own efforts, Huang Yanping was admitted to the School of Special Education of Beijing Union University and entered the music performance college.

  [Concurrent] Fuzhou Music Producer Huang Yanping

  Because I started learning music when I was young, the best thing is of course to take the road of music and the road of actors. So when I was going to college, I also wanted to take the music major, but I didn’t expect it to pass. So I went to university smoothly.

  [Explanation] During college, Huang Yanping overcame many difficulties and studied hard. For those who are familiar with music and instruments, it is not difficult to play and sing. However, it is very difficult for Huang Yanping to make music and arrange music with computer software. Relying on voice screen reading software, Huang Yanping forcibly memorized the complicated steps of arrangement and operation in his mind, and slowly fumbled little by little.

  [Concurrent] Fuzhou Music Producer Huang Yanping

  There are many difficulties. For example, when we didn't have braille textbooks in college, we had to check the Internet on our own, to learn about all aspects of the computer, and then we could only rely on recording when listening to classes. Thanks to the development of science and technology, in the operation of the arranger software, now there is also a full range of voice software, which can read all the programs on the screen.

  [Explanation] After the morning practice ended, Huang Yanping returned to the studio and continued his creation in front of the computer. In the process of arranging, you need to constantly find inspiration and modify. Although the process is very difficult, each paragraph has to be recorded several times to achieve the desired effect. But in Huang Yanping's opinion, using music to perceive the world gives him a sense of gain. Through several years of hard work, Huang Yanping's arrangement has also been recognized by the industry, and he has been invited to participate in the music production of the show several times.

  [Explanation] "No Winter Is Impossible" is an original song written by Huang Yanping at home during the anti-coronavirus epidemic at the beginning of this year. He also hopes to use music to convey the optimism and hard work of blind friends.

  [Concurrent] Fuzhou Music Producer Huang Yanping

  Then I want to use this song to let the society understand us more fully. That is to say, we disabled people can also make a contribution that belongs to us to this society and this country, and we can also inspire everyone through these positive works and these voices.

  Reporter Wu Shengwei reports from Fuzhou, Fujian

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]