Teller Report

Algerian journalist Khaled Drareni sentenced to 3 years in prison

8/10/2020, 10:29:02 AM

His two co-defendants, Samir Benlarbi and Slimane Hamitouche, two figures of the anti-regime protest movement "Hirak", were also sentenced.

Journalist Khaled Drareni during a demonstration in March 2020 in Algiers. - RYAD KRAMDI / AFP

The sentence fell for Khaled Drareni. The Algerian journalist, in pre-trial detention since the end of March, was sentenced on Monday to three years in prison, a very severe sentence, told AFP Me Nouredine Benissad, a lawyer from his defense collective.

“It's a very heavy verdict for Khaled Drareni. Three years closed. We are surprised. The file is empty, ”said the lawyer, also president of the Algerian League for Human Rights (LADH). His two co-defendants, Samir Benlarbi and Slimane Hamitouche, two figures of the anti-regime protest movement “Hirak”, were each sentenced to two years in prison, including four months closed.

Accused of "inciting unarmed assembly"

Aged 40, Khaled Drareni is accused of "inciting unarmed assembly" and "undermining national unity" after covering on March 7 in Algiers a demonstration of "Hirak", the popular uprising that shook Algeria for more than a year until its suspension a few months ago due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

During the videoconference hearing, during which he appeared emaciated, Khaled Drareni dismissed the charges. He assured that he had only done his "job as a freelance journalist" and exercised "his right to inform".


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  • Opposing
  • Jail
  • Journalist
  • Media
  • Algeria

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