Teller Report

785 new cases of coronavirus in 24 hours

8/10/2020, 7:28:38 PM

This daily increase is however smaller than that observed last week, the Directorate General of Health said on Monday.

Coronavirus, illustration. - Hans Pennink / AP / SIPA

The epidemic is progressing a little more. The number of people diagnosed positive for Covid-19 has increased in the past 24 hours with 785 new cases, a daily increase however less significant than that observed last week, the Directorate General of Health (DGS) said on Monday.

785 cases of coronavirus were confirmed between Sunday and Monday, while the DGS had announced 2,288 new positives on Friday, 1,604 Thursday and 1,695 Wednesday. In all 10,800 new cases were recorded in one week.

21 new homes since Sunday

However, "the circulation of the virus is intensifying, especially among young people and in certain regions, in the metropolitan areas of Paris and Marseille", detailed the DGS in a press release. "Adolescents and young adults, less at risk of developing a serious form of the disease, can help spread the virus and infect their loved ones, parents, grandparents and fragile people, for whom the consequences can be serious," recalls the Directorate General of Health. In addition, since Sunday, 21 new clusters have appeared in the country, bringing their total number to 851 since deconfinement in May (but 519 have been closed).

Patients in intensive care increase slightly

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care increased slightly with 396 patients, 13 more than on Friday. This balance of patients in intensive care has fluctuated between increase and decrease for several days, thus breaking with the continuous decrease which had been observed since April.

France now has 30,340 people who have died of Covid-19 since the start of the epidemic (or 16 more than on Friday), including 19,834 in hospitals and 10,506 in social and medico-social establishments (Ehpad). This last figure, which dates from last Tuesday, will be updated on August 11.


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  • Health
  • epidemic
  • Covid 19
  • Society
  • Coronavirus

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