Teller Report

"Abu Muhammad" needs cancer treatment for 17.8 thousand dirhams annually

8/10/2020, 10:08:18 PM

(Abu Muhammad - Sudanese - 62 years old) has been suffering from chronic myeloid leukemia for 19 years, and he needs medication for life to help stabilize his condition, at a cost of 17 thousand and 874 dirhams annually, and he appeals to those who help him to arrange the amount of treatment. Emirates Today, saying:

He has been suffering from the disease for 19 years, and good people are calling for his help

"Abu Muhammad" needs cancer treatment for 17.8 thousand dirhams annually

(Abu Muhammad - Sudanese - 62 years old) has been suffering from chronic myelogenous leukemia for 19 years, and he needs medication for life to help stabilize his condition, at a cost of 17 thousand and 874 dirhams annually, and he appeals to those who help him to find the amount of treatment.

Abu Muhammad narrated his story to Emirates Today, saying: “I have been living in the UAE for 45 years, and my life has been going at a steady pace, and I do not complain of any financial or health problems.”

He added: “19 years ago, I suffered from a health problem, and my condition worsened, and I entered Tawam Hospital in Al Ain, where I underwent tests that showed that I had chronic myeloid leukemia.

He continued: "My health condition stabilized, treatment was changed, new tests and analyzes were performed, and I was transferred to Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, and the treating doctor advised me to continue taking these drugs that contributed to the stability of my condition and the non-spread of the disease."

He continued: "The health insurance card stopped covering the cost of treatment since the beginning of this year, and philanthropists and charitable institutions helped me provide medicines until the end of this month only, and my need for treatment for life, knowing that this treatment is not available in Sudan." He explained, “I am the only breadwinner for my family of nine, and my sons live in Sudan, except for my oldest son who works in the country with a salary of 4000 dirhams. My wife lives with me here in Al Ain, as I worked as a bus driver in a university in the country, but my services were terminated in At the end of last year, due to my advanced age, and I have no other source of income now. ”

He continued: “I live on the assistance I get from friends and good people, just as my son helps me, and I stay in a room with a monthly rent of 1000 dirhams, and I do not know what to do under the circumstances that I am ordering, so I appeal to the people of goodness and people of merciful hearts to help me find the costs of my treatment. Monthly ».

medical report

The medical report issued by Sheikh Khalifa Medical City indicates that the patient has suffered from chronic myelogenous leukemia since 2001, and needs Imatinib medication every month for life.

• “Health insurance” stopped covering the medical costs since the beginning of this year.