Teller Report

Difficulty searching for missing persons in Uiamho in bad weather... Investigation of the truth

8/9/2020, 1:07:27 PM

All personnel and equipment were mobilized to find the missing persons in the Uiamho vessel overturn accident. As the spilled rain made the search difficult, the family of the missing persons ordered a safe search. This is G1 Reporter Choi Don-hee. The fourth day of the accident.

<Anchor> All

personnel and equipment were mobilized to find the missing persons in the Uiamho vessel overturn accident. As the spilled rain made the search difficult, the family of the missing persons ordered a safe search.

This is G1 Reporter Choi Don-hee.

<Reporter> The

fourth day of the accident.

The Accident Response Headquarters continued a sweeping search, but could not find more missing persons.

A search network was spread over 74 km from Uiam Dam to Paldang Dam. In particular, 590 people were put in the center of the 2 km downstream of Uiam Dam where the missing person was found yesterday (8th) to conduct a precise search.

[Hwang Young-mi/Chuncheon Police Station Female Youth Section Manager: We plan to perform detailed search using personal search tools such as key equipment and probe sticks.]

However, a heavy rain warning was issued in the Yeongseo area and heavy rain poured out and the amount of discharge to Uiam Dam increased again.

Families of the missing persons requested the safety of rescue workers who were searching for the accident even in unfavorable conditions, as well as the exact details of the accident.

[Family of the missing person: Despite the bad weather, we ask you to do so again, but we ask you to be safe.]

There are 2 fixed-term workers at Chuncheon City Hall and 3 public officials in charge.

In the Cheongwadae National Petition, a message requesting the investigation of the truth of the Uiamho accident and punishment of the person in charge has been posted and has obtained thousands of consent.

The police said they were conducting digital forensics on the black box of the police boat, and they had secured CCTV around the Uiam Dam and asked the National Fruit Tree to improve the picture quality.

(Video coverage: Park Jonghyun G1, Video editing: Lee Seungjin)