Teller Report

Warnings about extreme congestion on beaches in Halland

8/8/2020, 5:01:20 PM

The warm weather attracts thousands to the beaches. Now the Halland region warns once again about extreme congestion and that the Public Health Agency's advice is not followed.

In the app A Day in Halland, the region warns of congestion on the beaches. 

- We have received a lot of reports from the municipalities about large congestion, says Jimmy Sandberg, communications manager Visit Halland.

Full on Skrea beach

Via the app, the region reaches a maximum of 50,000 users.

Jimmy Sandberg in the region hopes that bath-hungry Hallänningar will see the recommendations and choose another place for sunbathing and swimming. On Skrea beach in Falkenberg municipality, the congestion is described as extreme.

- We recommend that you look in the app where there are other options.

Watch the video from Skrea beach above.