Teller Report

Revenue Agency: Superbonus of 110%, ok for family members and cohabitants

8/8/2020, 3:55:43 PM

The Revenue Agency publishes the circular, now fully operationalShare 08 August 2020 The 110% Superbonus can also be accessed by family members and cohabitants of the owner or holder of the property who pay for the work carried out on the properties at their disposal. Green light to the Superbonus also for entrepreneurs and self-employed on real estate units inside condominiums for work on common areas. This was communicated by the Revenue Agency. The costs f...


08 August 2020 The 110% Superbonus can also be accessed by family members and cohabitants of the owner or holder of the property who pay for the work carried out on the properties at their disposal. Green light to the Superbonus also for entrepreneurs and self-employed on real estate units inside condominiums for work on common areas. This was communicated by the Revenue Agency. The costs for materials, design and related professional expenses (appraisals and inspections, preliminary design and inspection and prospecting costs) also fall within the eligible ceiling.

These are just some of the interpretative clarifications contained in circular 24 / E on the incentive introduced with the Relaunch Decree. In addition, with today's provision of the Director of the Revenue Agency, Ernesto Maria Ruffini, the Communication model that allows you to benefit from the option to assign a tax credit corresponding to the deduction due or to benefit from a discount on the fee.

Ok to the deduction for family members and cohabitants and also to future owners
The 110% Superbonus can also be accessed by family members and de facto cohabitants of the owner or holder of the property, as long as they bear the costs of the works. The circular specifies that these subjects can use it if they live together on the start date of the works or, if earlier, at the time the expenses are incurred. The incentive also applies to interventions on a property other than that intended for main residence, in which cohabitation can take place, while it is not due to the family member on properties leased or granted on loan. The promissory purchaser of the property subject to intervention entered into the possession is also entitled to the deduction, provided that a preliminary contract for the sale of the duly registered property has been stipulated.

The rules for VAT numbers and
Ok al Superbonus condominiums also for people who carry out business activities or arts and professions for work on the common parts of buildings approved by condominiums. If the works, on the other hand, involve individual real estate units, then the bonus is only recognized for properties unrelated to the activity carried out, therefore belonging only to the “private” sphere of taxpayers' life.

The 110% deduction is extended to include some ancillary costs for the interventions that benefit from the Superbonus, as long as they are actually carried out. These are, for example, costs for materials, design and other related professional expenses (appraisals and inspections, preliminary design and inspection and prospecting costs).

How to take advantage of the discount or transfer
The communication to take advantage of the discount or transfer can be sent to the Revenue Agency starting from 15 October 2020 and by 16 March of the year following the one in which the expense is incurred, using the model approved by today's provision. The communication must be sent exclusively electronically, also using intermediaries, by the beneficiary of the deduction (as regards the interventions carried out on the real estate units) or by the condominium administrator (for the interventions carried out on the common parts of the buildings). For interventions that entitle the holder to the Superbonus, the communication must be sent exclusively by the person who issues the compliance visa.

Instructions for transferees and suppliers
In case of exercise of the option, the provision establishes the rules to allow transferees and suppliers to benefit from the tax credit. In particular, the transferees and suppliers can use the tax credit exclusively in compensation, on the basis of the residual installments of deduction not used by the original beneficiary. The tax credit is used starting from the 10th day of the month following the correct receipt of the communication and in any case not before January 1st of the year following that in which the expenses are incurred. The distribution of the annual quotas to benefit from the tax credit is the same as that which would have been used for the deduction. Transferees and suppliers can transfer tax credits to other subjects, including credit institutions and other financial intermediaries, starting from the 10th day of the month following the correct receipt of the communication. In any case, the credit may also be assigned by subsequent assignees.

Fraccaro: Superbonus works can start 
The Revenue Agency has published the circular relating to the Superbonus at 110%, which now therefore becomes fully operational: the works to improve efficiency and make buildings safe can start. It was a difficult and complex path because in a few months we have implemented and fine-tuned an unprecedented measure in every detail: now citizens will be able to renovate their homes at no cost, giving a decisive boost to private investment and sustainable development. ". This was declared by the Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Riccardo Fraccaro.

" I proposed and strongly believed in the Superbonus as a tool to revive the economy and promote the energy transition. The law - he adds - has been received with extreme favor by the productive associations and by the Parliament itself, which has worked to strengthen it. Even the credit institutions, from Banca Intesa to Mps UniCredit, immediately made themselves available to assign the credit. With the dl August we then standardized the quorum provided for the condominium assemblies: now to authorize any intervention envisaged by the Super ecobonus and Super sismabonus, the ok of the majority of those present at the assembly that represents at least one third of the condominiums will suffice. In this way it will be much easier and more immediate to use them.

I thank - concludes Fraccaro - all the ministries who have given their precious contribution to the Superbonus, up to the issue of the implementing measures, and the bodies involved who have worked to make it possible. Now the Superbonus is a reality: Italy can restart, 110% ".