Teller Report

Houthi militias launch sporadic attacks in Hodeidah

8/8/2020, 10:04:37 PM

The Houthi militia escalated its operations on the fronts of the western coast of Yemen and launched attacks on several areas in the city of Al-Hudaydah and the districts of Al-Duraimi, Al-Tuhayat, Hais and Beit Al-Faqih, as part of their daily breaches of the UN armistice, while the confrontations continued on the Maqbana front, west of Taiz.

Clashes continue in western Taiz

Houthi militias launch sporadic attacks in Hodeidah

Elements of the joint forces on the western coast of Yemen. Archive

The Houthi militia escalated its operations on the fronts of the western coast of Yemen and launched attacks on several areas in the city of Al-Hudaydah and the districts of Al-Durayhimi, Al-Tuhayat, Hais and Beit Al-Faqih, in the context of their daily breaches of the UN truce, while confrontations continued on the Maqabna front, west of Taiz.

In detail, the Yemeni joint forces in the western coast front fought violent battles against the Houthi coup militia east of the city of Hodeidah, the center of the governorate, in which many Houthi elements fell in addition to the militia suffering losses in equipment, after their attempt to infiltrate and advance towards the joint forces' sites in the framework of the recent Houthi escalation in Various coastal fronts.

Field sources in the joint forces stated that violent battles broke out between the joint forces and infiltrating elements of the Houthi militia on Al-Khamseen Street and the 7th of July neighborhood, and near City Max, east of Hodeidah, all of which are residential areas where militias tried to infiltrate and take civilians as human shields.

The sources indicated that the militias have significantly escalated their attacks during the past two days, prompting the joint forces to respond to these violations and escalate in an appropriate manner, achieving direct casualties among the militias and inflicting dead and wounded in their ranks.

The confrontations between the two sides expanded and reached the vicinity of the coastal Dofat camp on Al-Khamseen Street, one of the militia's fortified sites, and the joint forces managed to inflict heavy losses on the militias, and prompted Houthi groups to flee.

The militias continued to target several areas in the districts of At-Tuhayat, including Al-Jabaliya and Al-Faza, and in the district of Hais, which affected the village of Beit Maghari, villages and farms in the northeastern district, and others in the vicinity of the districts of Al-Duraimi and Beit Al-Faqih, using machine guns of 12.7 and 14.5 caliber and picas. In Taiz, clashes continued between the Yemeni army on the one hand and the Houthi militia on the fronts of Maqbana in the west of the governorate for the second day in a row, and confrontations erupted between the two sides after the Houthis attempted to advance on the Himyar front, prompting units of the army stationed in the area to counter the attack and inflict heavy losses on the militias, according to According to local sources, the confrontations between the two sides continued.

In Saada, north of Yemen, the main militia stronghold, the Yemeni army forces were able to launch an attack on Houthi sites in the Baqim front, with direct casualties, and field sources confirmed that there were deaths and injuries and the destruction of Houthi military vehicles in the attack, which focused on new Houthi sites in the Alab axis.

In Al-Jawf, two civilians were killed in the explosion of a mine from the remnants of the Houthi militia, which they planted in the Al-Yatma area in the Khub Al-Sha`af district, the largest of Al-Jawf districts, while their vehicle was passing on the road linking Al-Yatimah and Al-Khub. In Ibb, a twenty-year-old citizen was killed by a Houthi militia gunman in light of the overwhelming security chaos in the governorate controlled by the Houthis. A local source mentioned that the young man, "Mutahir Muslih Ali Atef", was shot dead by a Houthi gunman called "Sinan Muhammad Al-Raini" on the back of financial royalties. Militias imposed on Ibb farmers.

In the capital, Sana'a, which is controlled by the Houthi militia, the streets of the city witnessed protests by dozens of residents of the city against the Houthi militia, which did not move to save them from the disaster of the torrents that struck Sana'a and the areas under the control of the militias recently, causing dozens of deaths and injuries and displacement of thousands and demolished homes and buried shops and bulldozed Cars, livestock and agricultural lands.

Young protesters from the city’s residents for the first time since the militias took control of the capital cut off several streets in the city in protest against the failure of the competent authorities in Sana'a, which is under Houthi control, to fulfill their duty towards civilians.

On the other hand, the Yemeni Gulf of Aden Ports Corporation denied the existence of any shipment containing ammonium nitrate in the areas of the port of Aden, considering that the allegations of 140 containers loaded with ammonium nitrate in the port of Aden that have been detained for three years are a distortion and a falsification of the facts.

The Media Department at the Port of Aden clarified in a statement that the Yemeni News Agency "Saba" received a copy of, that according to the procedures, regulations and laws governing the work procedures of the Port of Aden in all its facilities and sectors, it is forbidden to accept the handling and storage of any shipments that are classified according to the global classification of chemicals, classification No. (1), which is Explosive materials, classification No. (2), which contain flammable materials, and classification No. (7) of radioactive materials.

The media department said that it would like to clarify by approaching what was published with some old shipments located on the docks of the container terminal, which contain organic urea (UREA 46%), which is used as agricultural fertilizers, and is not explosive or radioactive, and the process of transporting or storing it is not prohibited.

• Civilians were killed by a mine explosion left by the Houthi militia in Al-Jawf.

• Cutting roads and protest demonstrations against militias in Sana'a.

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