Teller Report

15 students .. Average classroom density in private schools in Dubai

8/8/2020, 9:46:20 PM

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Knowledge: The choice of study model is up to the school and the students' families

15 students .. Average classroom density in private schools in Dubai

The first scenario of the study is to divide the students into two groups (A) and (B). Emirates today

Private schools in the Emirate of Dubai have decided to adopt a hybrid education system that combines “virtual” and “school” education, in order to study in the next academic year (2020/2021), where the student density varies between one school and another, so that the average will be 15 Requesting that the precautionary measures be applied to prevent the Corona virus.

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai granted private schools in the emirate the freedom to choose each school the most appropriate system for education during the next academic year, in consultation with the parents of its students, as part of the application of precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of students and school personnel.

The director of a private school in Dubai, Ghadeer Abu Shamat, stated that the school intends to accommodate only 10 students per class, and the timetable will be divided into two categories: an actual learning environment during the period from 8:30 to 12:30 hours for group (A), and a virtual learning environment. Starting from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm for group (B).

She added: “Students from grades one through 12 will enroll in a hybrid education environment, where classes are divided into two groups (A) and (B) to achieve best practices of social distancing, and the groups of students assigned to attend school will be distributed alternately, based on a two-week schedule. Change the group on Tuesdays according to the two-week schedule, the first three days of the first week of group (A), then two days of group (B), the first two days of the second week of group (A) and the last three days of group (B).

"The school will provide 100% actual education for all age groups within the hybrid education model, and in line with the guidelines of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, we will provide a 100% distance learning option for children and students whose parents request it," said one school principal, Matthew Tompkins.

He stated that school hours will be adjusted to avoid crowding, and the school administration has worked to reorganize the school schedule to reduce movement and the number of desks inside the classroom to achieve physical distancing, in addition to creating separate learning areas for groups of students.

The director of a school in Dubai, Sanjeev Jolie, indicated that the school intends to implement the hybrid education model, where about 45% of the students will be present in the school day, adding: “We will ensure that the highest health and safety standards are applied, including checking the daily temperatures of all students and using scanners. Thermal, ground signals of social distancing, and the provision of non-contact sterilization devices.

On the other hand, Fatima Khaled (a student's mother) pointed out that her son's school informed them in an email that they would regularly study there daily, and that it would combine virtual education with school education, as she decided that the student density in the class should not exceed 10 students only.

Hala Hussam (the mother of a student) said: “My daughter’s school informed us that the student density in the class will range from 12 to 15 students, and the students’ attendance will be alternating between groups of students, so that the student works one day at school and one day at home. ”

Alia Al-Saadi (mother of three students) stated that her children's school asked them to participate in a questionnaire about four scenarios for studying during the new academic year, in order to identify the preferred scenario for the students' parents.

She added: “The first scenario is to divide students into two groups (A) and (B), at a rate of 50% each, and each group has a different time schedule from the other per day, and the second scenario is to divide students into two groups at a rate of 50%, and the school time is ». In the third scenario, the distance education is 100%, and the last scenario is 100% schooling.

Strict procedures

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai stated that the decision to return to school may be worrying for some parents and students, but schools will adhere to strict health and safety measures to protect students and school staff from infection, noting that each school will provide several options to benefit from its educational services in the year Next school, after consulting with parents.

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