Teller Report

Five days since the 12-year-old was shot - no one arrested yet: "Became a ghetto"

8/7/2020, 6:10:25 PM

The person who shot the 12-year-old girl to death in Norsborg is still at large, almost a week after the act. According to residents in the area, a tougher grip on the gangs is required. - These little kids have no respect for anyone, says Fittjabon Toni Nasr.

Earlier this week, the white car that the perpetrators used in the shooting death of the 12-year-old was probably found. The car, which was abandoned in Sollentuna, was partially burned.

- We suspect that it is probably the person who was used in the crime, says Mats Eriksson, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police.

On Friday morning, a man was found dead in a fire-ravaged car in Fittja. It is unclear whether the case, classified as murder, has a connection to the shots fired at the 12-year-old.

- It's too early to say. We will of course look at it, says Mats Eriksson.

"A ghetto here"

Toni Nasr has lived in Fittja for over 20 years. According to him, the situation with crime and violence in the area has gotten worse over time.

- It feels like the authorities have given up, it has become a ghetto here. Every day we hear about such things, one death here and one death there. It is sad, says Toni Nasr to SVT News.

- We have started looking for a new place to live. It is unsafe here, we have small children and are afraid to let them out on the farm. Something new happens every day.

According to Toni Nasr, strong action is needed from the judiciary and society to stop the downward spiral.

- We need more police and harsher punishments so that these people think about the consequences. These little ones have no respect for anyone. They do not respect their teachers or the police.

"Nice place really"

Albybon Annika Ringkvist is also worried about the development in Botkyrka.

- We are insecure, we are considering moving from here. But I thrive, it's a nice place really. I have lived here all my life and have seen the changes. A change is needed soon, she says.

- The government must give the police more powers to intervene. It must be a frustration for them, they move in the area but can do nothing.