Teller Report

'This place is dangerous, dangerous'… Subway illegal shooting area, see on map

8/6/2020, 11:49:36 PM

[Hyunjun Jun's News Bulletin] Let's start with the current critic Ko Hyunjun's news bulletin. What is your first news today? <Hyunjun Go/Critic Criticism> A man in the American hamburger shop hits an employee for an absurd reason and is buying an offense.

[Hyunjun Go's News Bulletin]


Current Criticism Gohyun Joon's News Bulletin will begin. What is your first news today (7th)?

<Hyunjun Go/Critic Criticism> A man in the

American hamburger shop hits an employee for an absurd reason and is buying an offense.

A furious man throws chicken nuggets at the burger shop staff and shouts. It is like hitting the cheeks of employees.

The video you are seeing was at a hamburger store in Pennsylvania, USA in June, and the reason why the man was so infuriated is that the chicken nuggets are too spicy.

The employee calmly responded and tried to calm down, but the man fingered and threatened the employee, and other employees began to film.

The employee approached the man and told him that the camera was taking pictures, but the man, as if he was more angry, hit the employee's cheek and left the room leisurely.

The netizens who watched this assault video were furious with the man's shackles asking why innocent employees should see this kind of damage.

It is said that employees who have been assaulted are seriously shocked. The man was charged with business disruption and assault on the 27th of last month.

If the charges are admitted, they could face up to two years in prison or a fine of up to $5,000, or 5.9 million won in our money.


I think I have done everything I want to do, but I think I should be punished as much as possible. Please tell me the next news.

<Hyunjun Go/Critic Review>

This is the next news. When the police began investigating a fire department under the jurisdiction of three people who died in the Busan Underpass, flooded by heavy rain, there was a public opinion that the responsibility for the accident should not be passed on to the firefighters.

On the night of the 23rd of last month, 80mm of rain was poured into the Busan area per hour, and three people died in the instantaneous blowing water on the Busan Choryang First Underpass.

The police investigating the accident seized and searched the Busan Fire and Disaster Headquarters and the Central Fire Department and analyzed 119 radio recordings and rescue reports to see if the rescue process was appropriate.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security also launched an audit to cover the cause and responsibilities of the accident. In this regard, the article written by the Blue House National Petition on the 5th is catching the eye.

The petitioner, who said that she was the sister of the firefighters who went to the flooding site, asked the firefighters who risk their lives not to put off their responsibility or to do any work for the safety of the people. I appealed to help.

The petition now has the consent of more than 15,000 people.

<Anchor> An

investigation should not be done to pass on responsibility to anyone. But this shouldn't happen again. At that time, it seems to be necessary to check whether the rescue system worked properly. Anyway, I hope that the people who are investigating will also focus on those areas. Please tell me the next news.

<Hyunjun Go/Critic Review>

Starting today, maps of illegal crime in metropolitan subway stations are available online.

The National Police Agency announced that the'Underground Subway Hazard Map' developed to prevent illegal shooting crimes in the subway will be released through the'Life Safety Guidance Site' operated by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security starting today.

The illegal map for subway photography was developed by the National Police Agency in collaboration with big data analysis experts and police crime analysts last year.

Each of the subway stations was made by considering 14 factors such as the number of illegal shooting crimes, the number of floating populations, and congestion, and it is classified into 5 stages: risk, suspicion, and caution.

You can view the risks of 23 routes, 730 stations in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi-do.

According to the National Police Agency, it is more effective to prevent illegal shooting crimes by targeting unspecified people and quickly distributing them through SNS, so it is more effective to prevent them in advance. He said he would actively respond to crimes against women.  

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