Teller Report

Pay for your parking… with your car's electricity!

8/4/2020, 10:52:17 AM

In Japan, Nissan is giving drivers a new reason to appreciate their electric vehicle. Nissan Pavilion - DR You may have heard of two-way charging between a house and an electric car. Concretely, this means that an electric vehicle can serve as a storage unit to conserve, ideally, the electricity produced by the photovoltaic panels in your house, for example. During the day, when electricity prices are higher, the car can send that electricity back to the home network. If this solut...

Nissan Pavilion - DR

You may have heard of two-way charging between a house and an electric car. Concretely, this means that an electric vehicle can serve as a storage unit to conserve, ideally, the electricity produced by the photovoltaic panels in your house, for example. During the day, when electricity prices are higher, the car can send that electricity back to the home network. If this solution is being studied by various manufacturers, Nissan goes even further: at their new "Pavilion" - a museum open since August 1 - located in Yokohama, they offer visitors to pay for their parking in exchange for a little electricity from their Nissan Leaf. You had to think about it! Let's just hope that the system is well calibrated in order to avoid completely discharging the batteries, which would risk stuck visitors in place ...


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  • Automotive
  • Electric car
  • Nissan