Teller Report

"Received no appeals": Denmark allowed to continue the construction of "Nord Stream - 2"

8/4/2020, 6:55:35 PM

The Danish Appeals Board reported no complaints about permission from the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) to use anchored vessels for the construction of Nord Stream 2. Previously, Denmark imposed a ban on the use of such vessels because of the risk of hitting unexploded ordnance at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, but later the agency said that work on Nord Stream 2 in Denmark would take place outside the zones where such a danger exists.

The Danish Energy Appeals Board has not received any complaints about the decision of the Danish Energy Agency (DEA), which previously authorized Nord Stream 2 AG to use anchored vessels for the construction of Nord Stream 2.

"The Danish Energy Board of Appeal has not received any appeals against the decision of the Danish Energy Agency of July 6, 2020," - said in a statement, quoted by RIA Novosti.

As a reminder, on July 6, the Danish Energy Agency allowed Nord Stream 2 AG to use pipe-laying vessels with anchor positioning during the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in Danish territorial waters.

According to this decision, Nord Stream 2 AG can use anchor pipelayers either independently or in conjunction with pipelay vessels equipped with dynamic positioning systems.

Denmark previously banned the use of positioned anchored vessels, as they can touch unexploded ordnance at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Later it became known that the remainder of the pipeline to be built in Denmark will run outside the zone where a number of works are not recommended due to the danger of dumped chemical warfare agents entering the marine environment.

It should be reminded that Nord Stream 2 is two strings of a gas pipeline with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year and a length of more than 1200 km. The highway passes through the exclusive economic zones and territorial waters of five countries - Russia, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Germany.

Commenting on the new decisions of the European supervisory authorities, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Igor Ananskikh expressed confidence that the gas pipeline would be completed.

“There really is no doubt that the project will be completed. Because the project is legal, Europe needs it, since it is the participants in this project, including large European energy companies, who are also interested in ensuring that cheap gas reaches European consumers. As for (this statement. - RT ), the process is moving faster, you can only rejoice at this, "the parliamentarian said in an interview with RT.

Igor Yushkov, an expert at the Financial University under the Russian government, a leading analyst at the National Energy Security Fund, also spoke positively about the new statement from the Danish side. According to Yushkov, this event is an important stage in the implementation of Nord Stream 2.

“Nobody submitted any applications with protests. Although Poland may have tried to stick a spoke in the wheels, nevertheless we do not see this. Everything ended well, ”Yushkov explained.

He noted that now there are no restrictions left and the completion of the Nord Stream-2 can be started.

Statements of the Prime Minister of Poland

Shortly before the publication of the Danish Appeal Council, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki criticized Germany's position on the construction of Nord Stream 2.

“I would not say that we have tough anti-Russian rhetoric in Poland. However, there are some issues that we do not like, for example, Nord Stream 2, - said Moravetsky. His words are quoted by the Biznes Alert portal.

As the politician noted, it is believed in Poland that European money for this project will sponsor Russian weapons.

  • © Nord Stream 2 / Paul Langrock

Also, according to Moravetsky, this gas pipeline will allow Russia to cut off Ukraine from gas supplies to Europe.

“That is why Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pose such a threat to our region. That is why we criticize Germany, ”added the Polish prime minister.

Note that a day earlier, the Polish antimonopoly authority awarded Gazprom a fine of PLN 213 million (about $ 57 million) for “unwillingness to cooperate” in the investigation of the Nord Stream 2 project.

Later, Gazprom reported that they could appeal this decision, since the information requested by the Polish side, according to representatives of the Russian company, had nothing to do with the investigation.

State Duma deputy Ruslan Balbek, in an interview with RT, commented on Moravetsky's position, noting that the Polish prime minister is probably making this statement "out of annoyance." According to the deputy, under pressure from the United States, the Polish authorities did not want to conclude mutually beneficial gas agreements with Russia, and now, as the parliamentarian explained, Warsaw regrets this decision.

"(Moravetsky - RT ) has to make statements, in the objectivity of which he probably does not believe himself," the deputy explained.

The parliamentarian added that it is too late to influence anything, since Germany has chosen "the best option for its energy security."

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