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What to do to eradicate "female Durban" living soil experts suggest perfecting Chinese learning education

8/3/2020, 9:28:29 PM

  What to do to eradicate the survival soil of "female Durban"   Experts suggest perfecting Chinese education to prevent "spiritual pyramid schemes"   □ Our reporter Pu Xiaolei   "It's really bad luck to carry a scumbag every day." "I shamelessly, I humiliated my parents, and humiliated my ancestors."   Recently, a video of a girl's speech in "Female Durban" caused an uproar on the Internet. I...

  What to do to eradicate the survival soil of "female Durban"
  Experts suggest perfecting Chinese education to prevent "spiritual pyramid schemes"

  □ Our reporter Pu Xiaolei

  "It's really bad luck to carry a scumbag every day." "I shamelessly, I humiliated my parents, and humiliated my ancestors."

  Recently, a video of a girl's speech in "Female Durban" caused an uproar on the Internet. It is reported that this video comes from the opening ceremony of the youth summer camp held by the Fushun Traditional Culture Research Association of Liaoning Province in Qufu, Shandong.

  The Qufu Municipal People's Government issued a notice on July 29, ordering the organizer Fushun Taogong Cultural Industry Development Co., Ltd. to immediately terminate the summer camp activities and refund related expenses, and conduct an in-depth investigation of other suspected violations of laws and regulations.

  In an interview with reporters, Sun Yuhua, an associate professor at East China University of Political Science and Law, said that the education and training institutions with "Guoxue" education as their signature, charging high tuition fees and spreading feudal dross thoughts, have been suspected of violating the law, and the regulatory authorities should promptly investigate and deal with it in accordance with the law.

  Sun Yuhua suggested that the education law should be improved. If private educational institutions hold training courses on the theme of discrimination against women, the education administrative department or other relevant administrative departments shall cancel them; if there are illegal gains, the illegal gains shall be confiscated; the directly responsible person in charge And other directly responsible personnel shall be punished according to law.

  Illegal business operations in the name of Guoxue

  "My stomach is very bad...If I hadn't learned traditional culture, I would now have stomach cancer."

  "What kind of people wear cosmetic contact lenses? Those girls who are not serious."

  In the video, a girl recounted her own experience in a self-blaming tone. She used to “smoke, drink, fight, behave with others, stay away at night, beat her parents, be selfish, self-willed, often go to and out of the night market, every day It’s really cold and bad."

  Use insulting language to blame yourself and spread feudal superstition... These contents turned out to be training contents in the summer camps for minors.

  The reporter saw on the public account of "Research on Traditional Culture of Fushun City" that the research society began to publish enrollment information on July 2. According to the enrollment information, the teacher has more than ten years of front-line teaching experience in Chinese Studies, and has organized and participated in more than 20 youth winter and summer camps, which has changed thousands of families and children.

  "There must be changes, but judging from their teaching that is filled with a lot of harmful content, it is difficult to make good changes. The so-called Guoxue summer camp is actually engaged in illegal commercial operations under the name of Guoxue." Sun Yuhua said.

  The Qufu Municipal Government pointed out in the briefing that the investigation found the following problems: the content of the teaching videos was vulgar, violated science, and distorted facts, which had a negative impact on the physical and mental health of campers. The teaching materials used are self-compiled, without publishing house and book number, and are suspected of using illegal publications. Anti-epidemic measures are not in place.

  Sun Yuhua pointed out that the content of training and education is suspected of violating the core values ​​of socialism, especially that it contains a lot of feudal dross. The practice of "mental pyramid selling" on students is suspected of breaking the law.

  "Article 6 of the Education Law stipulates that education should adhere to morality, strengthen the education of socialist core values ​​for the educated, and enhance the educated's sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability. The "Female Durban" teaches The content not only failed to strengthen the education of socialist core values, but also promoted some feudal dross ideas, which completely violated this regulation." Sun Yuhua said.

  Supervision failed to do its best to take advantage of the loopholes

  Modern women have to guard women's way, if they can't fight back, they won't be able to fight back; women who order takeaways or don't wash dishes are not obedient to women's way; changing their boyfriends will be bad hands and feet... From 2014 to now, "Female Durban" has repeatedly entered in ridiculous ways Public view.

  At the same time, this is not the first time that the Fushun Traditional Culture Research Association, which runs the "Female Durban", has been investigated and punished. According to media reports, in December 2017, the Fushun Traditional Culture Education School founded by the research society was ordered by the local education bureau to close its operations and dismiss the students. In 2018, instructors from the former Fushun “Female German Class” training school held a parent-child summer camp in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, and continued to teach minor students in the name of Wenzhou Traditional Culture Promotion Association. After the incident came to light, the local government ordered him to immediately stop running classes.

  The "female Durban" that has been criticized many times, and the institutions that have been repeatedly asked for rectification, can always come back to life.

  Yuan Ningning, an associate professor at China University of Political Science and Law, believes that the "female Durban" can be revived mainly for two reasons: On the one hand, the parents or other guardians of minors lack proper judgment on how to educate minors. Ability and discrimination ability; on the other hand, for "female morality" training institutions, the relevant supervisory departments have failed to fulfill their supervisory duties, so that these institutions can always find a living space in the supervisory gap.

  Sun Yuhua believes that the qualifications, conditions for running schools, and supervision of "female morality" educational institutions lack legal and regulatory basis. Many local departments failed to investigate and deal with this issue in a timely manner. On the contrary, they shirk their blame and even condoned it, which contributed to a certain extent. The proliferation of "pseudo Guoxue". Even if they are investigated and dealt with, they are often ordered to stop running classes and refund tuition fees, and the punishment is obviously not strong enough.

  Xiong Bingqi, deputy dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, believes that the resurgence of these “female Durbans” is largely due to the imperfect “blacklist” system.

  “For those training institutions that conduct anti-science and anti-excellent cultures, they should take industry bans. At the same time, promote the construction of online platforms so that local regulatory authorities can inquire about the information of violating institutions and prevent them from'shooting for another. 'Places' and'change a vest and return to the old business'." Xiong Bingqi said.

  Amend the Education Law to increase penalties

  Judging from the supervision over the past few years, it is not an easy task to completely extinguish the flames of "Female Durban" so that it will not reignite again.

  Experts suggest that we should start from multiple aspects such as amending laws, strengthening law enforcement, and standardizing the education system of Chinese culture, to form a joint force to combat "pseudo Chinese culture" such as "female morality," and fundamentally eradicate the soil for such institutions to survive.

  Sun Yuhua believes that "female Durban" can become popular in some areas of our country, which fully reflects the insufficient equal protection of the special group of "girls". He suggested that the Education Law should be amended to add provisions for anti-discrimination education to allow those who promote education that discriminate against women. Educational institutions bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

  At the level of law enforcement, considering that the "Guoxue" education and training involves multiple departments such as education planning, market supervision, and commodity prices, in order to avoid the prevarication of various departments, it is recommended to adopt a multi-sectoral joint law enforcement method, in accordance with the Education Law, the Private Education Promotion Law, and the obligation The Education Law has rectified all kinds of educational institutions that go beyond the scope of running schools and engage in illegal and profit-making activities in the name of traditional Chinese education.

  Yuan Ningning also believes that the supervision of "Female Durban" involves many departments such as education and market supervision, but because the relevant laws do not specify the main responsible department, there is no clear regulation on the teachers and training content of such educational institutions. This makes content supervision in this area have certain shortcomings. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct joint law enforcement or clarify the competent authority, so as to increase the crackdown on illegal activities.

  Sun Yuhua said that it is necessary to standardize the education system of Chinese studies, increase relevant minor courses in schools, and improve the access mechanism for extracurricular training and education of Chinese studies. On the one hand, at the stage of compulsory education, it is necessary to appropriately increase the minor courses of Chinese studies to meet the needs of children for Chinese studies education. On the other hand, it is necessary to improve the access system for extracurricular training and education of Chinese culture. At present, there is no qualification certificate requirement for Chinese culture training. A considerable proportion of Chinese culture teachers do not have a teacher qualification certificate, their educational level is low, and the quality of teaching cannot be guaranteed. . In this regard, the local education authorities should clarify the qualification requirements of the Chinese culture training institutions and trainers to ensure the quality of Chinese culture education.

  Sun Yuhua also suggested that experts should be organized to guide the public to correctly understand Chinese culture, take the core values ​​of socialism as the guidance, promote excellent traditional culture, resist feudal dross, and prevent "spiritual pyramid schemes." Make good use of various media to disseminate cultural knowledge about Chinese culture education, establish socialist core values, treat history and culture scientifically, correct the roots, take the essence, and remove the dross, so that Chinese culture education can serve the construction of advanced socialist culture. At the same time, it is necessary to expose the illegal activities of illegal businessmen using "Guoxue" to prevent the masses from going astray. For some products that engage in "spiritual pyramid schemes" such as "male superiority, female inferiority", "three obediences and four virtues", online platforms must be removed in time to clean up the educational environment and social atmosphere.