Teller Report

Suspected knife fight in Borås - several injured

8/3/2020, 7:55:40 PM

Several people are said to have been injured in connection with a riot in the Norrby district, in Borås. Two people have been taken to hospital.

On Monday evening, at least two people were stabbed in Borås, which BT was the first to tell.

The police received several calls about the riot at 7 p.m. According to witnesses to the police, this is a quarrel between several younger men, an estimated around 15-20 people.

- We do not know yet what it is about, says Stefan Gustafsson, press spokesperson at the police.

Two to the hospital

When the police arrive at the scene, they find two people with suspected knife injuries, one in the torso and the other in the hand. Both have been hospitalized.

- There may be more injured, but we do not know, says Stefan Gustafsson.

The incident is being investigated as a serious assault.

The crime scene is cordoned off pending a technical investigation.

- We are working to get a picture of what has happened via witness statements and those involved, says Stefan Gustafsson.

One of the injured has been taken in for questioning, the other will be heard after he has received hospital care.

The text is updated