Teller Report

NOA chief: The police can not do this without help

8/3/2020, 8:19:46 PM

The murder of the 12-year-old girl in Norsborg has also upset the police's national operational department. But when Stefan Hector, acting head of NOA, visits Aktuellt, he has no simple answers on how the police should be able to reduce the number of shootings. - More people are needed to help, he says.

Despite the mobilization of forces and efforts by the police to overcome the deadly violence, the number of shootings and those with a fatal outcome remains at the same level as in previous years. But Stefan Hector does not think the situation looks hopeless.

- We gathered strength in Malmö for a period and the shootings were halved, the explosions were down to a third and security increased. If we succeed in getting the 10,000 employees we wanted, then maybe we can gather strength in more places. Then we will be able to press down the numbers. If that is enough, the future will show, he says in Monday's Aktuellt.

"Growth is great in these environments"

According to Hector, one reason why the shootings do not decrease is that for every criminal that the police arrest, there are several who are prepared to take his place.

- The growth into these environments is so great that the police alone cannot overcome it. More people must help and then above all to break the growth into these environments, he says.

The NOA chief also sees that it is easier to resort to serious violence in the criminal gangs.

- We have seen a development where the threshold for using aggravated violence has dropped. It is the volume of people with a large capital of violence and a low threshold to use force that sums up the number of shootings.

"30 police officers to monitor a person"

In the Stockholm area, there are about 30 extreme perpetrators of violence who commit a large part of the violence, but according to Hector, it is not possible to access these with simple measures.

- If we take the same cut nationally, there are 600 extreme violent actors and 1,700 practitioners. Monitoring a person for a day takes 30 to 40 police employees, so it is difficult to easily eliminate these people, says Stefan Hector.

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