Teller Report

LA Consulate's emergency shutdown… 1 employee, corona19 contact with a confirmed person

8/3/2020, 10:04:28 PM

The Consulate General of the Los Angeles Office said it closed the building three days a day to prevent disinfection, as a member of the Civil Service reported that she had contacted an acquaintance who had been confirmed corona19. The employee has been with his acquaintance, who had recently been returning to Korea, for several days, and the employee's acquaintance is known to have been confirmed corona19 after returning to Korea.

▲ Consulate-General of Los Angeles (LA)

The consulate-general of Los Angeles (LA) said the consulate building was shut down as one employee was confirmed to have been in close contact with corona19 confirmers.

The Consulate General of the Los Angeles Office said it closed the building three days a day to prevent disinfection, as a member of the Civil Service reported that she had contacted an acquaintance who had been confirmed corona19.

The employee has been with his acquaintance, who had recently been returning to Korea, for several days, and the employee's acquaintance is known to have been confirmed corona19 after returning to Korea.

Accordingly, employees of the Civil Affairs Office, including employees who have contacted patients with Corona 19, will conduct a Corona 19 examination.

For the health and safety of civilians and employees, the Los Angeles Consulate General decided to suspend the face-to-face operation of the complaint room by seven days and handle it through wired and e-mail reception.

(Photo = Facebook capture of LA Consulate General, Yonhap News)