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For housewives .. 10 daily tips to make everything tidy at home

8/3/2020, 6:34:23 PM

Caroline Kontzel, author of & quot; Beginner Home Maintenance Tips & quot; Thousands of tips on all kinds of home related issues. She believes that adherence to them helps in creating unexpectedly clear spaces.

Grumble with chaos, and the difficulty of finding things in your home? Here are ten tips that will not leave anyone at home excuses hidden behind them for not maintaining order at home. And if put into action, it will help you not to lose your things and create a comfortable home.

In a report published by the Spanish newspaper "ABC", the author, Anne. Mira is Carolyn Kontzel, author of "Home Maintenance Tips for Beginners," thousands of tips on all kinds of home-related issues. She believes that adhering to these tips helps to find unexpectedly clear spaces.

1. Specify a specific place for everything

This rule is to allocate a fixed and fixed place for each purpose of the house, for example, to put the dishes in the kitchen cupboard, the cutlery in the drawer, the shoes in the shoe rack, and the pens on the desk. If we keep every item in place, you will not have to carry anything from one room to another just to leave it lying in a place not designated for it.

In addition, the author recommends "locating each object and returning it to it immediately after each use." This behavior can usually be absorbed after a period of habituation to it.

2. Get rid of things that you do not need

It is necessary every time to sort out the things we want to keep and the ones that we no longer need, even the clothes that we no longer wear.

After washing clothes, you can put all those pieces that you don’t wear and take them to the used clothes container in a bag. So, only buy things that look great to you and suit you until you leave space for the purposes you really love and love.

It is important to sort out the things we want to keep even the clothes we no longer wear (Getty Images)

3. Allocate 15 minutes a day for home organization

If you feel tired just by starting to start organizing your house, cut the timing of this task down to 15 minutes per day. You will be surprised how much can be done in such a short time. It can start with house rooms or an open space like the entrance to the house.

4. Do some tasks immediately

Doing some homework on the spot, no longer than five minutes, helps us to keep your house organized better. We also avoided this method a good part of the chaos that occurs daily.

We mention, for example, hanging clothes in the cupboard, placing a cup of coffee in the dishwasher, or throwing the newspaper on its own basket. These tasks are small, but they enable you to maintain order and avoid chaos.

5. No further delay

Beware of falling into the trap of postponing annoying household chores. It is possible that after a mountain period, two irons can become ironed clothes that need ironing, and that three unimportant dishes can be transformed into a wash basin full at any time. In the long run, you'll be forced to do these delayed tasks, so try to solve them as soon as possible.

Be careful not to delay housework. Later, you will be forced to do all the delays. (Getty Images)

6. Storage system

In order to maintain the home system, all necessary archiving of some time should be archived like regular files and folders among other things. Boxes are a practical way to collect small things. And if these boxes are of the same color, the room will be more harmonious.

7. Writing a task list

It's best to write a to-do list when your house is in complete disarray and you don't know where to start. Write all of your assignments and cross them out as they are solved. This list can be prepared for a specific day of a week or even a month if there are more tasks.

8. Regulating papers

A drawer must be dedicated to placing invoices and installment papers, as well as a sorting folder, where important topics can be arranged by days or weeks.

9. Find hiding places

If at any time I have to act quickly, due to a sudden visit or an emergency order, put everything in its cupboards and drawers, and in the blink of an eye, everything will look more organized. The only annoying thing is that you cannot fully open the locker that you just filled out.

10. When you are afraid of sudden visits

When you encounter an unexpected visit and there is no time to do a thorough cleaning, you can take this swift action of putting all the scattered things, such as magazines and books, in a room that guests won't enter.

Moreover, put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and make sure the toilet (guest bathroom) is clean, you can also use the vacuum cleaner for quick cleaning, and remember to close the door of all rooms that no one of the guests will enter.