Teller Report

Ex-king Juan Carlos, suspected of corruption, leaves Spain

8/3/2020, 7:10:23 PM

The king fled, long live the kingKing Felipe VI of Spain and the former King Juan Carlos. - AFP Suspected of corruption and under investigation by the Supreme Court, the ex-king of Spain Juan Carlos announced his decision to leave the country in a letter addressed to his son, the sovereign Felipe VI, cited by the Royal House. "Guided now by the conviction to render the best service to the Spaniards, to their institutions, and to...

King Felipe VI of Spain and the former King Juan Carlos. - AFP

Suspected of corruption and under investigation by the Supreme Court, the ex-king of Spain Juan Carlos announced his decision to leave the country in a letter addressed to his son, the sovereign Felipe VI, cited by the Royal House.

"Guided now by the conviction to render the best service to the Spaniards, to their institutions, and to you as King, I inform you of my considered decision to exile myself, at this time, outside of Spain. », Wrote the former sovereign quoted in the press release of the Royal House, where King Felipe VI accepts and thanks him for his decision.

Immunity but investigation 

In early June, the Spanish Supreme Court announced the opening of an investigation to establish whether Juan Carlos had criminal responsibility in a case of alleged corruption when Saudi Arabia had entrusted a Spanish consortium with the construction of the TGV to Mecca.

Justice has been investigating these facts since 2018, but by virtue of the immunity it enjoys, only the Supreme Court can seek to determine the responsibility of the former monarch, now aged 82, and only for acts committed after his abdication. "It is a decision that I take with deep sorrow, but with great serenity", continues the former sovereign in his letter.

Desire for the best for Spain

"A year ago, I expressed to you my will and my desire to abandon institutional activities", he recalls, affirming to have "always wanted the best for Spain and the crown".

"With the same ardor as to serve Spain during my reign, and in the face of the public consequences of certain past events in my private life, I wish to express to you my absolute availability in order to help facilitate the exercise of your functions, with the peace and serenity that your high responsibility requires. My heritage, and my dignity as a person, dictate it to me, ”writes Juan Carlos.

End of reign in scandal

On its site where the official letter was published, the Royal Household specifies that the King underlined the “historical importance” of his father's reign “in the service of Spain and democracy”, while “reaffirming the principles and values ​​on which these are based, the Constitution and our legal order ”.

Juan Carlos I abdicated in June 2014 in favor of his son Felipe, when the end of his reign had been tarnished by various scandals, and in particular suspicions about his opaque fortune and his close relations with the Saudi royal family. 


Suspicion of corruption: The King of Spain renounces the inheritance of his father, Juan Carlos


Spain: A photo of Juan Carlos with the Saudi crown prince is controversial

  • Justice
  • World
  • King
  • Juan carlos
  • Spain

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