Teller Report

Caballero forces his casting vote and the municipalities accept the Treasury proposal for the surplus

8/3/2020, 9:52:23 AM

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) has approved the controversial proposal of the Treasury so that they can make use of part of their surplus. After a vote that has

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) has approved the controversial proposal of the Treasury so that they can make use of part of their surplus. After a vote that has led to an unprecedented tie for 12 votes, the President of the FEMP, Abel Caballero, has used his casting vote to undo the situation and force the approval of the measure that the also socialist mayor of Vigo negotiated with the Minister of Hacienda, María Jesús Montero.

Sources of the Popular Party explain that the tie has been possible thanks to the abstention of the IU and with the votes against by the PP itself, Ciudadanos and Junts per Catalunya. And the deputy secretary of popular territorial policy, Antonio González Terol, has confirmed this in his profile on the social network Twitter.

González Terol himself has denounced that this decision breaks the historic consensus that has characterized the decisions of the FEMP, a possibility that the PP had been advancing in recent weeks.

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