Teller Report

An initiative to rehabilitate the "corona" recovery in the country for free

8/3/2020, 10:10:21 PM

Ras Al-Khaimah Hospital launches a program on the 15th of this month to rehabilitate those recovering from the emerging coronavirus infection, which is the first of its kind in the country. The program includes physical, cognitive, nutritional and psychological rehabilitation.

Ras Al-Khaimah Hospital will launch a program on 15th of this month to rehabilitate those recovering from the emerging coronavirus infection, which is the first of its kind in the country. The program includes physical, cognitive, nutritional and psychological rehabilitation.

The hospital's executive director, Dr. Reda Siddiqui, said that the aim of the initiative is to help all those who recover from the virus, regardless of their age and physical condition, to restore their physical and mental health affected by it.

He explained that, according to the World Health Organization, "Corona" in severely ill cases leaves a state of weakness, and they need help walking and performing basic daily tasks. He added that those recovering, who spent weeks in intensive care facilities, needed an intensive rehabilitation program in order to be able to return to their previous activities and reduce the possibility of their condition developing into a long-term disability. He explained that the main advantages of the completely free and comprehensive program are its ability to give affected people an exceptional opportunity to restore their physical and mental strength, in addition to enriching their awareness about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as the program includes medical and nutritional consultations, psychological support sessions and physical therapy.

He explained that the program includes a nutritional consultation session with a nutritionist, where consultations are provided on a diet devoted to the post-recovery period from the virus. He stated that all residents of the country who wish to undergo the rehabilitation program can contact the contact center at Ras Al Khaimah Hospital on the number 07 207 4444, to register.

Mubadala Launches a Program to Help Corona Patients

Amana Healthcare, one of the Mubadala Healthcare Network facilities, has launched a program to rehabilitate patients who are still suffering from serious health effects or problems, after recovering from the Covid-19 virus. The program consists of four phases to help patients regain their physical and cognitive functions, which are often affected after the disease, especially if the patient is subjected to long-term clinical care in intensive care units. The director of clinical operations at Amana Healthcare, Dr. Jason Gray, explained that infection with the virus may require that patients undergo a medium to long-term care program. Abu Dhabi - Emirates Today

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