Teller Report

NASA completes its first commercial manned mission

8/2/2020, 11:13:16 PM

  China News Agency, Houston, August 2nd. On August 2nd, Eastern Time, NASA successfully completed the first commercial manned mission.   According to the Associated Press, American astronauts Douglas Hurley (Doug) and Robert Benken (Bob) took the manned "Dragon" spacecraft of SpaceX from the International Space Station on August 1. Return to earth. Eighteen hours after leaving the space station,...

  China News Agency, Houston, August 2nd. On August 2nd, Eastern Time, NASA successfully completed the first commercial manned mission.

  According to the Associated Press, American astronauts Douglas Hurley (Doug) and Robert Benken (Bob) took the manned "Dragon" spacecraft of SpaceX from the International Space Station on August 1. Return to earth. Eighteen hours after leaving the space station, the spacecraft activated its thrusters to leave the earth's orbit and rush into the earth's atmosphere. The return capsule splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico west of Florida at 2:48 pm on August 2, and two American astronauts returned to Earth safely.

On August 1, local time, the first manned trial of NASA's Commercial Manned Aviation Program (CPP) began the final phase of the mission-returning to Earth. The picture shows astronauts Doug Hurley (left) and Bob Behnken taking the "Dragon" spacecraft capsule to leave the International Space Station. (Video screenshot)

  On May 30, the two astronauts took the "Dragon" spacecraft from the launch pad 39A of the Kennedy Space Center in Florida into space. On May 31, the spacecraft completed docking with the International Space Station. After that, the astronaut stayed on the International Space Station for 62 days.

  NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said that the success of NASA's first commercial manned flight test means that its commercial manned aviation program (CPP) has taken a critical step. "New York Times" stated that in the future, NASA will carry out more space exploration missions, including sightseeing, research and satellite maintenance.

  According to the US technology website "The Verge", it is not easy for the spacecraft to return to Earth. During the journey through the earth’s atmosphere, the spacecraft experienced extreme temperatures of up to 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit, testing the safety performance of the spacecraft’s outer insulation panels. In addition, SpaceX successfully deployed the parachute twice to make the return capsule gently splash down on the sea at a speed of 15 mph.

  The return cabin was hoisted onto the salvage ship's deck one hour after it was splashed down. The staff manually opened the cabin door and lifted the astronaut out. Doug and Bob gave thumbs up. In order to ensure the health and safety of astronauts during the new coronavirus pandemic, they will be quarantined for two weeks and tested for the new coronavirus.

  It is not common to return to Earth by splashing. This is the first time that NASA astronauts have returned to Earth in 45 years. In fact, after a violent dive, astronauts will feel unwell after landing in the water and floating in the waves. In this regard, SpaceX founder Musk explained on social media Twitter on the 2nd that the main purpose is to simplify the development of the space capsule.

  It is worth mentioning that NASA recently announced that in mid-to-late September, four astronauts will take the manned "Dragon" spacecraft to the International Space Station. This will be the first official flight of the "Dragon" spacecraft. In addition, SpaceX will recover and refurbish the return capsule of the trial flight mission, which is planned to be used for a commercial manned mission in the spring of 2021. (Finish)

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