Teller Report

Khartoum revokes the registration of the Sudanese Writers Union

8/2/2020, 7:46:16 PM

The Sudanese authorities issued a decision to cancel the registration of the "Sudanese Writers Union". And the rationale stated that the decision was caused by the union carrying out activities that violate the provisions of the law regulating the activities of national cultural societies.

The Sudanese authorities issued a decision to cancel the registration of the "Sudanese Writers Union". And the rationale stated that the decision was caused by the union carrying out activities that violate the provisions of the law regulating the activities of national cultural societies.

The Secretary-General of the Sudanese Writers Union Othman Shanger said that this decision harms Sudan's regional and international reputation rather than being beneficial, especially as Sudan appeals to many countries, whether in terms of freedom of expression or human rights.

On the other hand, Atef Othman, Secretary-General of the National Council for the Care of Culture and Arts, said that what has been done is the implementation of the law, indicating that the union has violated its articles of association, the law that governs it, and the Law of Cultural Associations by practicing political activity.

Some see a move to close a number of cultural and intellectual centers in Sudan as a continuation of the confiscation of freedom of expression and silence of mouths ahead of elections scheduled for next April, while the authorities responsible for distancing themselves from any political backgrounds behind such decisions.