Teller Report

Cinema of the 1990s .. Comedies that you will never tire of watching with your family

8/2/2020, 5:01:28 PM

With the advent of the blessed Eid Al-Adha and in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic, many people no longer find family gatherings or go out for walks and go to theaters, despite being available, for fear of infection.

With the advent of the blessed Eid Al-Adha and in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic, many people no longer find family gatherings or go out for walks and go to theaters, despite being available, for fear of infection.

But at the same time, staying at home for long periods has become stifling and tense to nerves, so it can be said that this list is of double benefit. On the one hand, it includes films that can be watched to spend time during Eid, and on the other hand, they are all shared in being joyful, which will make them able to improve your mood and reduce the tension and anxiety prevailing these days.

Good day

Melanie is a working woman and mother of a young boy, who makes every effort to make him happy and stay by his side without hindering her from her career advancement, which seems very difficult. As for Jack, he is a man separated from his wife, who takes little responsibility for his young daughter, and he does so lightly, which is less than contempt.

This was the case of the two stars of the movie "One Fine Day" until they met, and although they did not like each other, they had to resort to each other to take care of the two children, in order to accomplish each of them a fateful task related to their job. Here, the comedy and the funny situations in which the two fall into place begin, at a time when we are witnessing a fuse of admiration that ignites with shame between the two parties.

Does love make miracles?

Can customs and traditions stand in the way of love or do love do miracles? This is what you can know if you watched the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", especially since it is based on real events that happened to his American author, who is of Greek origin, when she fell in love with an American young man.

Because the customs of the Greeks require their marriage with persons of the same origin, the heroine encountered difficulties, either simply to reveal to her family the fact that she fell in love, or to persuade them to agree to the marriage. Even when this was achieved, marriage remained threatened because of the different customs and traditions between the two families, an issue that the work poses in a comic and ironic manner, although not without realism.

The first 50 grams date

"First 50 Dates" is a romantic movie par excellence despite its comedic character, as it revolves around a veterinarian who is inclined to fast relationships and does not like stability, but his position changes completely when he meets a young woman and falls in love with her immediately.

Although mutual admiration is generated between them, but he is surprised when he meets her the next time that she does not remember him, only to discover that she has a short-term memory loss, which makes her wake up every day without remembering what happened in her life recently.

Thus the hero finds himself obliged to give her every day an innovative reason to persuade her to fall in love again, to witness over the course of the work his desperate attempts that came varied between the romantic and the comedian, so will he succeed or be desperate?

Crazy adventure

To make your child proud of you This is one of the most important goals that parents strive to achieve, which is what Larry, the hero of the movie "Night at the Museum", finds it difficult to achieve because he is unable to find a job that provides him with that.

So when the hero discovers that the museum he just joined, his statues come to life at night and he does not dare to flee or resign despite his intense fear and desire to do so, for fear that he will let his child down again. Unless he expected this decision to change his life after having to go through a very crazy and unexpected adventure, facing the museum statues and monsters alone.

Papa's "Adventures" Adventures

"Daniel" is another father who is separated from his wife, whom he loves, based on her desire, not his desire, and the law forces him to meet his children at specified times and under harsh conditions and under supervision, which gives him intense attachment to his family.

So, his mind stems from an unconventional idea, which states that she is denied as an elderly woman to work as a housekeeper for his family, and then can sit with his children as long as possible.

Which leads him to an unprecedented experience full of laughter, frustration, warmth and so much humanity, all this and more you see in the 1990s movie "Mrs. Doubtfire" that never loses his magical ability to delight his viewers.

The world with the eyes of a child

Who is expecting "Big", produced in the 1980s, to make it to the list in 2020? However, because he never failed to improve the mood of everyone who saw it, he had to be here.

His story revolves around "Josh," who takes his first steps towards the world of adolescence and wishes that time passes through him and he becomes mature. If he wakes up the next day, his wish may be fulfilled even if he remains a child but inside an adult's body, which places him in a lot of funny situations.

And between his attempts to adapt to his new situation, and his desire to keep the spirit of the child inside without distortion, we live with him his journey through which we learn how to adhere to our pure spirit and laugh in the face of difficulties despite all the traps and misfortunes of life.