Teller Report

239 new cases of coronavirus ... and 360 recoveries

8/2/2020, 10:03:52 PM

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that it has conducted 42,428 new tests during the past 24 hours, using the best and latest medical examination techniques, in line with its plan to expand and increase the scope of tests with a view to early detection and inventory of cases infected with the emerging coronavirus (KO).

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that it has conducted 42,428 new tests during the past 24 hours, using the best and latest medical examination techniques, in line with its plan to expand and increase the scope of tests with a view to early detection and inventory of cases infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) and those who come in contact with them and isolate them.

The intensification of investigation and examination procedures and the expansion of examinations at the country level contributed to the detection of 239 new cases of the virus, of different nationalities, all of which are stable and subject to the necessary health care. Thus, the total number of registered cases is 60 thousand and 999 cases.

The ministry also announced that 360 new cases of people infected with the virus had recovered and fully recovered from the symptoms of the disease after receiving the necessary health care, thus bringing the total cases of recovery to 54 thousand and 615. The Ministry announced that no deaths were reported during the past 24 hours.

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