Teller Report

Google'app toll' 30% expansion imposed… Consumer damage is inevitable

8/1/2020, 1:05:35 PM

Usually, to install an app on a smartphone, you need to go through a play store managed by the American company Google. It is virtually exclusive. However, with this monopoly, Google announced that it would take 30% of the money it makes in the future from these app companies.


Usually, to install an app on a smartphone, you must go through a play store managed by the American company Google. It is virtually exclusive. However, with this monopoly, Google announced that it would take 30% of the money it makes in the future from these app companies.

Reporter Kim Ki-tae.


Kwon Oh-hyun, 35, has been operating a startup that provides cloud servers to domestic and foreign companies for 7 years.

It grows more than twice every year and attracts more than 1,000 customers, but it is facing the biggest crisis.

This is because Google recently announced that it would expand the 30% payment fee that was only applied to game companies' apps to all apps.

The intention is to force'in-app purchase', which allows all activities related to the app, from purchase of the app to payment and payment of usage fees, to be done within the'Play Store'.

[Kwon Oh-hyun/Start-up'AFI' CEO: I think there will be few companies that can survive within this commission rate system. The base environment itself, which can challenge new people, is collapsing.]

Google's sales in Korea last year were 5.6 trillion won.

If the fee increase is realized, it is expected to make more than 1.8 trillion won.

[Han Sang-hyuk/Chairman of Broadcasting and Communications (Last 28th): Closely look at whether it is a prohibited act under the Business Law to find out how to avoid disadvantages of customers who use superior status (I will find it.)]

Consumers such as rising prices of music, webtoons, and video services Damage is also inevitable.

[Hongjeongmin / Democratic Party (Assembly of Science and Technology Information Communications Commission): I think the action that contains the app market in the FTC platforms regulatory policy targets with research on market power abuse of Google and Apple need to]

the market is virtually dependent In the current situation, it is not easy for the domestic content industry to challenge the action.

It has been pointed out that the more fundamental countermeasure is the activation of native app markets such as'One Store'.

(Video coverage: Park Hyun-cheol, Video editing: Park Ji-in)