Teller Report

The opening of the border with Abkhazia is expected in the second half of August 1

7/31/2020, 8:25:15 PM

The decision to open the border between Russia and Abkhazia will come into force after the publication of the order of the Cabinet in the afternoon of August 1, the operational headquarters to combat the spread of coronavirus reported.

"The changes will come into force after the publication of the order of the Russian government on the opening of the state border of the Russian Federation with the Abkhaz Republic," RIA Novosti quotes the text of the message.

As noted, at the moment the document is undergoing the registration procedure and will be published in the afternoon of August 1.

Earlier, the headquarters announced the opening of the state border of Russia with Abkhazia on August 1.

The press secretary of the President of Abkhazia Marianna Kvitsinia said that the decision to open the Russian-Abkhaz border has been made, but the details of the passage of citizens are still being worked out.

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