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The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council: The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government’s postponement of the seventh Legislative Council election is reasonable and legal

7/31/2020, 11:19:21 AM

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 31. The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council issued a statement on the 31st stating that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government decided to postpone the seventh Legislative Council election in view of the serious situation of the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, which reflects the safety and safety of Hong Kong citize...

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 31. The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council issued a statement on the 31st stating that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government decided to postpone the seventh Legislative Council election in view of the serious situation of the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, which reflects the safety and safety of Hong Kong citizens. A highly responsible attitude to good health is necessary, reasonable and legal, and the central government fully understands and supports it.

  The statement stated that since the beginning of July, the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong has broken out again and spread rapidly throughout Hong Kong. A considerable proportion of confirmed cases cannot be determined at the source, and the epidemic prevention situation is extremely severe. Taking strict and effective measures to control the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible has become the most important and urgent task for Hong Kong at the moment. In order to prevent the risk of transmission caused by large-scale crowds, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Council made a decision to postpone the election of the seventh Legislative Council for one year in accordance with the Emergency Regulations. This is to protect the lives and safety of Hong Kong citizens. The important measures of good health and ensuring the safety, fairness and fairness of the Legislative Council elections are also in line with the prevailing practices of many other countries and regions. This decision will not affect the normal operation of the organs of power in the Special Administrative Region, nor will it harm the democratic rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong citizens in accordance with the law. Regarding the legislative vacancy caused by the postponement of the Legislative Council election, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will make a decision as soon as possible.

  The statement pointed out that the great motherland is a strong backing for Hong Kong to overcome the epidemic and all risks. At the request of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government, the central government has decided to send mainland test personnel to Hong Kong to assist in large-scale nucleic acid testing and screening, and to help Hong Kong speed up the construction of temporary isolation and treatment centers to control the epidemic as soon as possible. It is hoped that under the leadership of the government of the Special Administrative Region, all sectors of society in Hong Kong will focus on the overall situation of fighting the epidemic, share the responsibility of fighting the epidemic, unite as one, work together in the same boat, win the battle against the epidemic as soon as possible, and create good conditions for the recovery of the economy and the improvement of people's livelihood as soon as possible.

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