Teller Report

The Chinese Embassy in Germany responded by making mistakes about Hong Kong by the German Foreign Minister

7/31/2020, 11:55:21 PM

  China News Service, August 1 According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, on July 31, German Foreign Minister Maas made a false statement concerning Hong Kong. The Chinese Embassy in Germany expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this.   The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government decided to postpone the election of the seventh Legislative Council base...

  China News Service, August 1 According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, on July 31, German Foreign Minister Maas made a false statement concerning Hong Kong. The Chinese Embassy in Germany expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this.

  The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government decided to postpone the election of the seventh Legislative Council based on the current severe situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. This is a responsible move to protect the health and safety of Hong Kong citizens. This decision complies with the Constitution, the Basic Law and Hong Kong’s local laws, reflects respect for scientific prevention and control of the epidemic, reflects responsibility for the lives and health of Hong Kong citizens, and conforms to mainstream public opinion.

  The Hong Kong Returning Officer’s decision to invalidate the nomination of some people for election to the Legislative Council is strictly based on the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s National Security Law and Hong Kong’s Election Law, with sufficient grounds and legal compliance. Under the framework of "one country, two systems", to stand for election to the legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, candidates must sincerely support the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and be loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The words and deeds of these people who have been decided to invalidate the nomination have broken the bottom line of the law. Some publicly advocate "Hong Kong independence" and "self-determination." The purpose of these people participating in the election is by no means to be loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, nor to maintain "one country, two systems." The legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which bears important constitutional responsibilities, will never allow these people to enter the room, and will never allow these people to paralyze the SAR government, subvert state power, undermine "one country, two systems," and undermine the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

  Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs. Germany’s erroneous remarks about Hong Kong and the suspension of the extradition agreement seriously violated international law and basic norms of international relations and grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs. China firmly opposes this and reserves the right to make further responses.