Teller Report

Prime Minister Mori adjusts to attend the funeral of former Taiwan President Li Teng-hui

7/31/2020, 8:28:27 PM

[NHK] Prime Minister Morimoto was deeply involved in the Japanese government following the death of former Prime Minister Lee Teng-hui, who was known for his efforts to democratize Taiwan...

Prime Minister Mori adjusts to attend the funeral of former President Lee Teng-hui, Taiwan 5:25 on August 1


In response to the death of former Prime Minister Lee Tenghui, who was known for his efforts to democratize Taiwan and was known as a pro-Japanese family, the Japanese government is making arrangements for former Prime Minister Mori to attend the funeral. I will.

For the first time in Taiwan, the presidential election was realized by direct voting, and efforts were made for democratization. Former president of Japan, Li Teng-hui, died at the age of 97 on the 30th of last month due to multiple organ failure.

In response to this, the date for the funeral of former president Lee will be decided within the Japanese government, and if it becomes possible to attend from abroad, Mr. Lee will make an effort to issue a visa when he visited Japan in 2001. Coordination is underway for former Prime Minister Tamori to attend the funeral.

In relation to Mr. Lee's funeral, Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga stated at a press conference on March 31 that "we do not plan to dispatch government officials." According to government officials, there is no diplomatic relations between Japan and Taiwan. Therefore, it is expected that Prime Minister Mori will attend from the standpoint of the private sector, not the “special envoy” of the government.

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