Teller Report

Extreme heat is sweeping across Europe

7/31/2020, 8:13:27 PM

Parts of Europe have been hit by an extreme heat wave, with temperatures of up to 40 degrees. Many authorities are now warning that the heat can pose a danger to both life and society.

Countries such as France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Romania are expected to have temperatures of around 35-40 degrees. In big cities like Paris, Madrid and Rome, the temperature can climb over 40 degrees during the day and weekend.

The authorities in Rome have recommended that elderly people and children do not go out at all during the hottest hours of the day.

Stay indoors

Similar advice has also been given in a number of other countries, and in France, for example, citizens are encouraged to drink water, stay indoors and avoid alcohol. 

The heat wave also puts additional strain on countries that are already under severe pressure due to the corona pandemic.

Help lonely neighbors

The International Committee of the Red Cross now warns that the people who are most vulnerable to covid are also most vulnerable to extreme heat. People are therefore encouraged to keep an eye on, and help, neighbors and loved ones who may be particularly vulnerable in the heat. 

In Spain, many residents are also facing an extra challenge in the heat as the requirement to wear a mouth guard is not fully compatible with extreme heat.  

At the moment, it looks like the extreme temperatures will continue over the weekend, but start to drop on Sunday.

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