Teller Report

Worksite, temporary… What are the (other) forms of CDI?

7/30/2020, 8:55:38 AM

While obtaining a traditional CDI is more and more difficult, the legislator has gradually introduced alternative versions

The traditional CDI now has many more flexible variations for employers. - IStock / City Presse

If France is the queen of the indefinite contract - 88% of employees in the private sector were on permanent contracts in 2017, according to Dares - the rigidity of this commitment repels many companies. In order to boost recruitment while protecting employees, the State has been innovating for several years by launching hybrid CDIs.

The site CDI

Long used in the construction and shipbuilding sector, the site contract, also called an operation contract, is concluded for an indefinite period in order to carry out a specific project, the end of which cannot be known at the end of the day. 'advanced. To avoid losing their personnel before the end of the work, construction companies therefore resort to this CDI which they can legally terminate upon completion of the site or the performance of the tasks defined in the employment contract. At this end, the employee then receives severance pay.

Since 2017, all branches of activity can have recourse to the site CDI, provided that an extended collective agreement determines the terms. The metallurgy and retail sectors have adopted it in particular.

The interim CDI

Temping agencies make it possible to meet the labor needs of various sectors, in particular hotels, restaurants, construction, industry, services and even IT. Nevertheless, these sporadic missions carried out for different clients lead to a certain precariousness. To remedy this, the legislator created the indefinite contract for temporary workers, or CDI-I, in 2014.

Unlike traditional temporary work, the employee is here integrated into the workforce of the temporary employment company, which undertakes to find him assignments. These can reach up to 36 consecutive months (compared to 18 months without a permanent contract), all within a perimeter of 50 km around the home and covering a maximum of three previously defined professions. Between two positions, he benefits from a guaranteed salary at least equal to the minimum wage (1,539.42 euros gross in 2020). However, this system remains largely marginal since out of nearly 800,000 temporary workers in January 2020, only 48,000 were on CDI-I.

The timeshare contract

Like temporary work, part-time work is based on a triangular relationship between the company, the employee and the client who welcomes him to its premises to carry out his mission. Conversely, however, the worker is systematically linked to the time-sharing company (ETTP) by a CDI type contract. Likewise, while temporary work is limited to replacing absent employees, dealing with a temporary increase in activity or responding to a seasonal nature, the field of intervention of the ETTP is wider. The objective is above all to meet the labor needs of small businesses which have neither the means nor the size sufficient to recruit staff themselves.

According to the 2020 time-sharing barometer, 66% of these professionals are managers and 40% work full time. Human resources, sales and marketing, as well as finance and management are the main activities concerned.

CDI for employability purposes

Still little known, the part-time employment contract for employability purposes was created in 2018 through the law on the professional future. Entered into force in January 2019, it is currently being tested until the end of 2021. Concluded with an FTE or an interim agency, this CDI is exclusively reserved for workers encountering particular difficulties in professional integration. This includes applicants registered with Pôle emploi for more than six months, beneficiaries of minimum social benefits and disabled people, over 50 years of age or with few qualifications.

In addition to the usual protections inherent in a CDI, there are increased rights to training. The employee benefits in particular from qualifying training and an additional contribution of 500 euros per year full-time on his CPF. While the specialized company Mon-CDI intends to create 10,000 permanent contracts for employability purposes by 2022, Proman, the fourth player in the European temporary work market, embarked on the adventure in 2020 with Flexeo, its new CDI emphasizing integration.


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  • Cdi
  • Contract
  • Legislation
  • Employment
  • Unemployment
  • Labor Code