Teller Report

Nicolás Maduro ventures a new dialogue in Venezuela through Norway

7/30/2020, 6:46:15 PM

"That topic was reactivated." The return of the Norwegian delegation to Caracas passed without pain or glory for almost everyone, a faithful reflection of the situation that Venezuela is experiencing today. With one exception

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"That topic was reactivated." The return of the Norwegian delegation to Caracas passed without pain or glory for almost everyone, a faithful reflection of the situation that Venezuela is experiencing today. With one exception: Nicolás Maduro. The Bolivarian chief announced on television that Jorge Rodríguez, minister and specialist in negotiations (all unsuccessful), "is talking, he received them here and now he is coordinating the pending issue of the Norwegians."

European diplomats not only found that the Bolivarian regime continues its roadmap directly to the December parliamentary elections while their leaders recover from the onslaught of the coronavirus. The one who has had the worst is Luis Parra, the fraudulent president of the National Assembly (AN) imposed by Chavismo, who has already left the Intensive Care Unit after suffering severe pneumonia.

The "touchdown" of the Norwegians was limited to a digital conference with the leaders of the G-4, the big four of the opposition. A year after the failed negotiating process between the two sides in Oslo and Barbados under Norwegian mediation, the situation is even worse. Three of the four G-4 parties were seized by the government, which has scheduled parliamentary elections to be forcibly won by Chavismo despite its unpopularity.

"There is no negotiation process at this time and we reiterate to the Norwegian delegation that only free and fair elections are the solution to the crisis and not fraudulent processes with an illegitimate National Electoral Council (CNE)," the National Communication of the presidency in charge of Juan Guaidó.

Nothing remains of the presidential election plan that was on the table in 2019 and whose convocation seemed possible until Maduro punched and knocked down the board to avoid them. Chavismo decreed the end of the process and imposed a monologue with collaborationist parties, from which the current rigged call has come.

Experts in reconciliations and peace processes

Norwegian diplomats, experts in reconciliations and who have facilitated peace processes on several continents, also met with representatives of the Bolivarian government, but not with the "president people". Its initial objective is that both parties return immediately to the Barbados dialogue table , even in the last few hours they were sure that Minister Rodríguez and the head of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, would meet again with two opposition negotiators.

"We have been in contact with the Norwegian delegation since their trip to Venezuela. The idea is to pressure the regime to a peaceful transition," said Elliot Abrams, Washington's special envoy for Venezuela, after insisting that there is no reopened process. Abrams denied what was advanced by Maduro, who simulated a way of meeting with the US ("I received your message, I agree with what you tell me. Let's move forward").

No progress within, but with a more favorable international situation. Representatives of the European Union have spoken with the United States and Russia, whose positions have been relaxed. The Russians need legality to continue their economic business and Washington reiterates its willingness to an agreed transition, but without Maduro.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Venezuela
  • Norway
  • Nicolás Maduro
  • European Union
  • Russia
  • Juan Guaidó
  • U.S
  • Venezuela Elections

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