Teller Report

Demystifying professional rights defenders in the property market: the real appeal lies in promoting the decoration business

7/30/2020, 2:49:14 AM

  Professional rights defenders in the property market hide an industrial chain   Drunkard’s intention is not to defend rights, but to promote the decoration business   Our reporter Xu Shujing   In the past two years, under the control of housing prices, many real estate companies have cut costs in order to obtain profits, and the quality of houses has also been affected. Owners do not trust re...

  Professional rights defenders in the property market hide an industrial chain

  Drunkard’s intention is not to defend rights, but to promote the decoration business

  Our reporter Xu Shujing

  In the past two years, under the control of housing prices, many real estate companies have cut costs in order to obtain profits, and the quality of houses has also been affected. Owners do not trust real estate companies, and even the phenomenon of "purchasing a house is protecting rights".

  This has also given birth to a group of professional rights defenders. They have a background in real estate-related industries and have more professional knowledge and ease of access to the construction site than the owners. They either open a public account by themselves, or mix in various new home owners, and gain the trust of the owners through rights protection, but behind this, there is actually a profitable business.

  Gain the trust of owners through rights protection

  So as to promote the decoration business

  "In our community owner group, there seems to be a'professional house trouble'." Miss Huang told reporters.

  The X property she bought was delivered in the first half of this year. Ms. Huang said that this suspected "professional house trouble" (hereinafter referred to as "old Z") appeared in the owner group very early.

  Last year, the owners discovered that there were many problems with the quality of the real estate, but many of them were difficult to find conclusive evidence. "Later it was discovered that the fire resistance rating of the house’s exterior wall insulation material did not meet the standard. This probably meant that the developer promised in the purchase contract to use grade A materials, but actually used grade B materials. Because of this evidence, the owner The representative began to negotiate with the developer, and the developer agreed to rectify. At that time, Old Z worked hard."

  Everyone thinks that old Z is the owner, and his professionalism in defending rights, so old Z has a group of followers among the community owners.

  Later, the developer agreed to upgrade the facade to aluminum panels. “At this time, old Z said in the group that the developer could not trust the supplier, and he could recommend an aluminum sheet supplier he knew.” At the time, the owner didn’t think there was anything wrong with old Z’s approach. After all, everyone couldn’t trust the developer. Since the old Z has a familiar supplier who has contributed to the protection of rights, he can be more assured.

  However, two more incidents happened in a row later, and some owners began to doubt the identity of old Z.

  The first thing is the incident of house owners knocking on the wall. Ms. Huang said that there are a group of bungalows in the community, and the design of a non-load-bearing wall is very unreasonable, which makes the daylighting, layout, and movement extremely awkward. However, because the X real estate was delivered with fine decoration, the owners felt that it was best for the developer to knock on the wall. After negotiation between the owner’s representative and the developer, the developer agreed to help the owner knock on the wall at a price of 3,000 yuan per household.

  "At that time, old Z jumped out and said that the price is too expensive. He knows the people who do the wall knocking business here. Only half the price can be paid." Miss Huang said.

  Because the price was half cheaper, some house owners chose someone recommended by old Z to knock on the wall. "But then some owners reported that the person recommended by old Z knocked on the wall for a fee, but the subsequent floor, wallpaper, ceiling, etc. could not be restored to be consistent with the overall decoration of the house. For example, the same hardcover floor in the house cannot be found. Goods, the owner’s home is in an unfinished state, so it’s delayed, and the furniture can’t be moved in. The owner is very upset. In contrast, the developer’s price is all-inclusive."

  The second thing is the room window rectification and the balcony package incident. Another owner, Xiao Yao, said that in the model house, the ratio of window opening fans to non-opening parts was 8:2, but when it was actually delivered, this ratio changed significantly. The owner’s representative proposed a solution: request the developer to compensate for the cost of window replacement, and uniformly package the balcony for the owner as compensation.

  "But Old Z disagrees with the owner's representative's plan. He proposed that the developer lose money to the owner. After the owner gets the money, he will bid for an outside decoration company to provide the owner with a balcony."

  After coming down over and over again, both Miss Huang and Xiao Yao thought, why does old Z seem to be selling the decoration business?

  Borrow the name of relatives and friends or act as "Li Gui"

  Lurking into various owner groups

  There are many owners who have doubts about the identity of the old Z among the owners of the X real estate.

  First, the owner dug up an ID that often sang and interacted with old Z in the group, but it was actually old Z’s trumpet.

  Later, another owner dug up, and old Z appeared in the owner group of the next door real estate.

  Usually home buyers will not buy a suite in two adjacent buildings, so some owners question whether old Z is really the owner. "Old Z posted the house purchase contract in the group at the time, but the name of the buyer on the contract was not his own. Old Z argued that this was a house he bought in the name of a relative." Xiao Yao said, many owners now believe that, Old Z is more like a person in the decoration industry, lurking into the owners of major new buildings in the name of relatives and friends, looking for opportunities for rights protection, and taking advantage of the opportunity to promote the decoration business.

  Coincidentally, Mr. Bai, the owner of a new property in Chengdong, said that the first phase of their community had just been delivered. Not long ago, the owner group also found a person who borrowed rights to promote the decoration business.

  Some owners found the corresponding occupant's room number, but the owner of the room number was taken aback, saying that he had no knowledge of it and had never posted this content in the owner group. Everyone made a careful comparison in the group and found that the same room number really corresponds to two IDs. That is to say, this is a fake owner, and it was mixed into the owner group using a method similar to a vehicle "deck".

  Professional defender

  The "industry chain" behind has changed

  A few years ago, the Qianjiang Evening News reported the story of "professional house trouble". The professional house trouble at that time was mainly due to the unprofessional attitude of many owners and lack of energy to defend their rights. They collected "rights defense funds" from the owners and made a deduction , To make money by charging developers with "quiet fees".

  As the owner’s awareness of rights protection is getting higher and higher, and the methods of rights protection are becoming more and more professional, the original professional housing has no advantages. For example, many real estates are now led by representatives of the owners. People similar to the group leader will collect hundreds of yuan from each household for a rights protection fund. This rights protection foundation publishes income and expenditure accounts to be transparent and open.

  The developers are also "advancing with the times" and will carefully check the identity of the owners who come to defend their rights. In the early years, the "professional house trouble" spent money to hire a group of non-proprietors to make trouble on the spot, and it is basically impossible now.

  Therefore, today's professional rights defenders, the "industrial chain" behind them has changed-most of them are those with engineering and decoration backgrounds, lurking into the owners of major new real estate, looking for real estate project quality problems, and looking for opportunities to promote their business .

  In Hangzhou, some people even set up a WeChat public account for this purpose, targeting major real estates under construction and entering the delivery period, specifically picking up the thorns of these real estates, and putting pressure on developers. Because of holding high and playing high, it quickly formed a certain influence. Readers of this official account probably would not have thought that the real appeal behind the We-Media is actually to promote the decoration business to developers.