Teller Report

Urumqi City Medical Observation and Ordering Fees Increased from 50 Yuan to 80 Yuan per Person per

7/29/2020, 11:55:14 PM

  [Commentary] On July 29, the Information Office of the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held the 12th press conference on epidemic prevention and control. According to Zhang Wei, director of the Urumqi Municipal Health Commission, starting today, the service standard for food delivery at medical observation points will be increased from 50 yuan per person per day to 80 yua...

  [Commentary] On July 29, the Information Office of the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held the 12th press conference on epidemic prevention and control. According to Zhang Wei, director of the Urumqi Municipal Health Commission, starting today, the service standard for food delivery at medical observation points will be increased from 50 yuan per person per day to 80 yuan. At the same time, in the afternoon of the same day, four newly diagnosed patients with new coronary pneumonia in Urumqi were cured and discharged.

  Zhang Wei introduced that people under medical observation during the epidemic are not necessarily confirmed cases or asymptomatic infected people, but because they have been in contact with confirmed cases, suspected cases or asymptomatic infections, they may be infected. In order to do a good job in the management of medical observations, the isolation points in Urumqi are doing their best to ensure various services. While carrying out daily health inspections, disinfecting and cleaning rooms, they also continuously improve the living security of medical observers.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Wei, Director of Urumqi Municipal Health Commission

  Starting today, the service standard for food delivery at medical observation points has increased from 50 yuan per person per day to 80 yuan per person per day. During the medical observation period, medical observation personnel must obey management, adjust their mentality, ensure adequate sleep, and pay close attention to their own health. If you are healthy, you should report promptly if you have any physical discomfort and seek medical treatment in time. If the medical observation period expires, if there are no abnormalities, the medical observation will be terminated in time.

  [Explanation] As of 24:00 on July 28, there are currently 320 confirmed cases in Urumqi; 130 cases of asymptomatic infections.

  Shang Yulan, deputy secretary-general of the Urumqi Municipal People's Government, said at the press conference that as the course of the disease progresses, some asymptomatic infections in the incubation period have successively developed clinical symptoms, or CT scans have imaging manifestations of new coronary pneumonia, which have become confirmed cases.

  [Concurrent] Shang Yulan, Deputy Secretary-General of Urumqi Municipal People's Government

  Among the newly reported confirmed cases today, the proportion of asymptomatic infections converted to confirmed cases is relatively large, reaching 43; the number of existing asymptomatic infections has declined.

  [Explanation] According to Lu Cheng, deputy director of the medical department of the designated hospital for new coronary pneumonia in the autonomous region, there are 1 mild cases and 3 ordinary cases. After admission, under the full treatment and careful care of the expert team and medical team, the above cases continued to improve. Nucleic acid tests for respiratory pathogens were negative for two consecutive times or more, and all laboratory indicators, lung imaging, and body temperature were normal. In line with the National Health Commission's "New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Seventh Edition Revised Edition)" confirmed cases are released from isolation and discharge standards.

  Reporter Zhao Yamin reports from Urumqi, Xinjiang

Editor in charge: [Sun Jingbo]