Teller Report

The unit provides medical care for 1,000 athletes from the club

7/29/2020, 10:10:43 PM

Al Wahda Club and the VPS Healthcare Group signed a partnership and cooperation agreement during the 2020-2021 sports season, which focuses on providing sports medicine specialists at Burjeel Hospital, health care and medical services to various athletes in the club. The unit has more than

Al Wahda Club and the VPS Healthcare Group signed a partnership and cooperation agreement during the 2020-2021 sports season, which focuses on providing sports medicine specialists at Burjeel Hospital, health care and necessary medical services to the various athletes at the club.

The unit has more than 1000 athletes and athletes in various activities, and football, handball, volleyball, jujitsu and fencing are the main sports in the club whose practitioners inside the club will benefit from the partnership agreement with the return of sports activity early this month.

Al-Wahda Club said in a statement yesterday: “The agreement stipulates that the hospital provides integrated medical solutions and care for players and medical evaluation before sports competitions, as well as providing treatment and care for players in the event of injury and providing necessary support to paramedics in sports events sites and providing medical care to players and members of teams Sports in all health care facilities (VPS) ».

The Executive Director of Al-Wahda Club Khaled Al-Hinai said after signing the agreement: “The Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Department at Burjeel Hospital is one of the most distinguished centers, and has a medical staff, technology and amenities of world class levels.”

He added: "We commend the role and tremendous efforts of Burjeel Hospitals and all the medical staff in the first line of defense to confront the Corona virus (Covid-19), and we trust in their high capabilities to provide the best medical services and all amenities and health care to Al Wahda Sports and Cultural Club and its affiliates."

For his part, Chief Executive Officer of Bargil Hospital John Sunil said: "We are honored to be the exclusive medical partner of Al-Wahda Sports Club, and we provide world-class medical services to players and employees."

He added, “We believe in combining world-class care and advanced technology to ensure the highest level of care is provided, as a multidisciplinary team led by a sports medicine consultant will provide celebrities, rehabilitation specialists, strength and conditioning trainers, and dynamic mechanics with comprehensive solutions to all injuries and levels of activity, by providing International standards for high quality care for the sports community.

The unit enters a closed camp after the holiday

Al-Wahda Club will hold a closed camp after the blessed Eid Al-Adha, as part of the second phase, in preparation for the new season.

The Annabi training, which concludes its first stage today, witnessed the participation of the professional duo, the Slovenian, Tim Matafz, and the Maldivian, Henrique Lovanor, to complete the contract of foreign players alongside Mboko, and Lee Myung.

The team manager, Fahd Masoud, said in a press statement: “The first stage of Al Annabi’s preparations came successfully under the leadership of the new coach, Dutchman Mark Fota,” stressing “all players’ commitment and determination to provide a good season that meets the aspirations of the management and the fans alike. ” .

He added: "The closed camp will come as a continuation of the first stage, with a greater focus on the tactical and tactical aspects that the coach seeks to implement, before taking part in a series of friendly matches."

Khaled Al-Hinai:

• «Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in (Barjeel) one of the most distinguished centers».

John Sunil:

• "We will provide Al-Wahda Club comprehensive solutions for all injuries and activity levels."

• Football, hand, volleyball, jujitsu and fencing are the main sports in Al Wahda Club.

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