Teller Report

Halland: Dortmund can captain the Bundesliga next season

7/29/2020, 10:11:46 PM

Borussia Dortmund striker Erling Halland said he saw the team capable of crowning the Bundesliga next season, adding that he looked forward to scoring more goals. Halland added, in statements to the weekly newspaper "Bild" published

Borussia Dortmund striker Erling Halland said he saw the team capable of crowning the Bundesliga next season, adding that he looked forward to scoring more goals. "We have the ability to become champions, but talking about it is not enough alone," Halland said in comments to the weekly newspaper "Bild" published yesterday. He continued, "My goal is to win titles with Dortmund and celebrate a huge success with our fans."

The Norwegian star Halland (20 years) joined Dortmund last January, and scored 13 goals, for the team that ended the season in second place in Bundesliga, behind the Bayern champion.

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