Teller Report

"Crutch Village Doctor" Shi Weibing and his "Baicao Garden"

7/29/2020, 11:07:26 AM

  [Explanation] Walking into a small health and family planning service station in Zicaowu Village, Yaojiang Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, Shi Weibing is taking the blood pressure and pulse of the villagers. When Shi Weibing was born 3 months ago, he unfortunately suffered from polio, which led to lifelong disability. However, influenced by his parents, he was determined to practice medicin...

  [Explanation] Walking into a small health and family planning service station in Zicaowu Village, Yaojiang Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, Shi Weibing is taking the blood pressure and pulse of the villagers. When Shi Weibing was born 3 months ago, he unfortunately suffered from polio, which led to lifelong disability. However, influenced by his parents, he was determined to practice medicine since he was young. Through self-study, he became a doctor in the countryside in 1976. He was often on crutches. When visiting the clinic, the villagers cordially called "the village doctor on crutches."

  Because Zicaowu Village is far from the county seat, the community health and family planning service station is the first choice for more than 300 chronic patients in the village. Shi Weibing’s work is focused on calling them for regular check-ups. He is bedridden or has limited mobility. Just visit them every month. Sometimes the emergency department in the village also requires him to visit. Because of the inconvenience of legs and feet, it is common for him to walk through mountains and rivers, and fall and slip and fall, but he has no regrets.

  [Concurrent] (Shi Weibing, a rural doctor in Zicaowu Community, Yaojiang Town, Zhuji City)

  (Once) Some of the three miles were on the mountain, and the person who came to call was our Shijia Village. He called for a while. He said that there was an old man who was in charge of the mountain on the mountain. He was sick and had a stomachache. Okay, I haven't been there for the first time. After I went, I didn't take a cane, I just went with the medicine box on my back, because the mountain road had rained a few days ago and it was relatively slippery. I didn't pay attention because I was anxious. He went up, slipped and fell down. My body and medicine box were all wet with mud. (Diagnosing him) The appendicitis was very painful, so I gave him salt water and an injection, and then he was cured.

  [Explanation] Under the influence of his parents, Shi Weibing will also treat the villagers with Chinese medicine. After years of research, he has also made great achievements in Chinese medicine. Due to the inconvenience of mobility and more convenience for the villagers, he brought back the herbs from nearby Hangwu Mountain to plant in his yard. At present, he has accumulated more than 100 kinds of herbs.

  [Concurrent] (Shi Weibing, a rural doctor in Zicaowu Community, Yaojiang Town, Zhuji City)

  I know all about crawling around this place. I know where and where this herbal medicine is. There are about a hundred kinds of herbal medicine in my home. Because this herbal medicine is not easily lost, where do you go to pick this herbal medicine now, and it is inconvenient for my legs. I can pull it out quickly if I have it at home.

  [Explanation] In order to provide the villagers with the best medicinal effects as much as possible, Shi Weibing also likes Shennong’s experience of tasting herbs, while studying Chinese medicine books, while trying some herbs on his own, understanding the effects of herbal medicines on the human body, etc. , He said, the herbs he has never eaten would never be used by patients.

  [Concurrent] (Shi Weibing, a rural doctor in Zicaowu Community, Yaojiang Town, Zhuji City)

  I have to try some herbs by myself to see if there is any comfort and reaction. (Taste the herbs) Later, my stomach hurts and I feel uncomfortable, and the reaction comes. It’s okay for me to take the wrong food myself. If the patient takes the wrong food, it will be troublesome. I would rather take the wrong food by myself.

  【Explanation】Through hard study and painstaking research, Shi Weibing has made great achievements in the treatment of rheumatism. Especially in 1997, he invented the "Emergency Rheumatism Patch", which is a plaster for dispelling wind and dampness, and obtained a national patent. The big hospital in Zhuji City hoped that Shi Weibing could come to work in the city. Although he had considered retirement pension and life in his later years, he resolutely refused. He said that he is more suitable for rural areas and he should stay in the rural areas to treat the common people.

  [Concurrent] (Shi Weibing, a rural doctor in Zicaowu Community, Yaojiang Town, Zhuji City)

  Because there is a (hospital) dean in the city, he came to call me and he said you go to our city and become a doctor in the city hospital, then I said I will not go, because of the knowledge I learned, my knowledge is most suitable for rural areas . I can play my role in the countryside, because the people also need doctors. You put all the good doctors on it and go to the people to find someone, because it is very inconvenient for them to go to the city. Then I will send me the herbal medicine immediately. Go home and cure the disease. I said I didn't go, I don't want to go. I will stay in the countryside and do things for the people.

  Reporter Shen Yishan reports from Shaoxing, Zhejiang

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]