Teller Report

Screenings explode in Brittany but the positivity rate is decreasing

7/28/2020, 4:16:19 PM

The epidemic had rebounded fairly sharply in the region for two weeksIllustration of the Contact Tracing platform, here at the CPAM of Ille-et-Vilaine, in Rennes. - C. Allain / 20 Minutes Reminders to barrier gestures seem to be paying off. In Brittany, the spread of the coronavirus epidemic has been closely scrutinized for the past two weeks and the significant increase in the reproduction indicator. According to data published by health authorities, the spread co...

Illustration of the Contact Tracing platform, here at the CPAM of Ille-et-Vilaine, in Rennes. - C. Allain / 20 Minutes

Reminders to barrier gestures seem to be paying off. In Brittany, the spread of the coronavirus epidemic has been closely scrutinized for the past two weeks and the significant increase in the reproduction indicator. According to data published by health authorities, the spread could be slowed in the coming days. If the number of positive cases recorded in one day is higher than the previous days (+75 in twenty-four hours), it is also because the number of screenings has exploded. In one week, 27,700 PCR tests were carried out in the region between July 20 and July 26. A data in clear increase of 35.5% compared to the previous week.

The good news that can be learned from this influx is the drop in the positivity rate, from 1.4% over the week of July 13 to 19 to 0.9% for the period from July 20 to 26. . However, the authorities remain suspicious of the famous “second wave”. In Quiberon, the cluster identified after the contamination of a seasonal worker who spent the evening in a bar seems to have been brought under control. About forty people would have tested positive on the very touristy peninsula, a number almost stable compared to the day before. The Morbihan prefecture has invited the entire population to be tested.

Two people die, including one aged 35

However, it should be noted that two people have succumbed to Covid-19 since Friday in Brittany, including a 35-year-old person, if the regional prefecture is to be believed. In recent days, Ille-et-Vilaine has concentrated most of the new cases (37 out of 75 in the last 24 hours). It should also be noted that 18 people not residing in the region were diagnosed positive for the coronavirus.

The prefectures of the departments have invited the local population and tourists to avoid regroupings and to respect social distancing and barrier gestures in order to curb the epidemic. As PCR tests are open to anyone without a doctor's prescription, we can expect their numbers to jump starting next week. In Brest, the “Covid drive” has also moved to increase its capacity.


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  • Screening
  • Cluster
  • Coronavirus
  • Reindeer
  • epidemic
  • Covid 19
  • Health
  • Society