Teller Report

Obliging private schools in Abu Dhabi with quarantine rooms and nursing staff

7/27/2020, 10:09:13 PM

The Department of Education and Knowledge has obligated private schools, in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, to provide a nurse or accredited medical specialist present in the school, and to allocate a quarantine room, from the first day of the next academic year, requiring schools to support students health and psychological health, by providing awareness sessions on a group of

The Department of Education and Knowledge has obligated private schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to provide a nurse or accredited medical specialist present in the school, and allocate a quarantine room, from the first day of the next academic year, to require schools to support students health and psychological health, by providing awareness sessions on a range of topics including Electronic security, dealing with the loss of a loved one, and anxiety, to support them and help them overcome these difficult times, and allowed schools to transfer gyms and libraries to classrooms, to maintain the physical distance between students.

In detail, the department specified six daily health and hygiene procedures, within the conditions for reopening private schools for the next academic year, including: schools cleaning and thorough cleaning of their facilities once a day, and providing places to wash or sterilize hands in different locations of school buildings and on school buses, and contain All classes have sterilization wipes, hand sanitizer and a closed recycle bin, to ensure cleanliness, cleaning and disinfection of frequently used surfaces, such as lighting switches, door handles, stairs and toilet seats every hour, and cleaning and sterilizing toilets every hour, in addition to providing schools as a nurse or medical specialist A certified student is present in the school, and a quarantine room is for students and employees, who have sudden symptoms of Covid-19 symptoms.

The department stated that the optimal use of school facilities and resources includes the conversion of some schools and non-teaching areas, such as: gyms and libraries into classrooms, distribution and division of classrooms according to spacing procedures, maintaining a distance of 1.5 meters between children, and the allocation of fixed seats throughout the semester for each Child, remove unnecessary furniture, in addition to reducing school exchange and sharing materials and tools, such as: toys and educational equipment.

The department determined the required role of the students ’parents before returning to school, by conducting a PCR (Covid-19) examination for the child, before the start of the new school year, and sending the report result to the school, and to ensure that they and their child download the Al-Husn application on the mobile phone, and in the event that the child does not have Phone, his examination data will be available in the application of his guardian fort.

The department indicated that the duties of the students ’relatives also include returning 14 days before the start date of the study if the family is outside the country, reviewing the educational model that the school will apply, responding to the school’s requests to submit recent medical reports, and ensuring daily that the child does not have a fever or Any other symptoms, such as: coughing, difficulty breathing, or pain in the body, and making sure that he has at least two masks (a disposable muzzle), for wearing them in school during the day.

The department stressed that personal health and safety procedures require children from grades one through twelve to wear a muzzle, “the first and second kindergarten students are not required to wear masks.” In the event that the student is unable to wear the muzzle, he is allowed to wear a face shield, provided there is a medical certificate She reports this, and students with hearing impairments can use transparent masks, indicating that she recommends washing hands with soap.

Dealing with the sick student

The Department of Education and Knowledge identified five steps to deal with cases of discovery of any child's illness while in school, which included: immediately transferring him to the quarantine room to be followed up by the school nurse, contacting his parents immediately to take the child from school, and preventing giving the school any medications For the child.

The steps included informing the parents of the nearest hospital or Covid-19 test center, and if the child’s results were positive for Covid-19, the family must inform the school, so that they can take the necessary measures, to ensure the health of students and other employees, who may They are exposed to the virus.

The department stressed that information about any child, with any person, other than the relevant government authorities, will not be shared.

• 6 daily hygiene and hygiene measures in schools.

Converting gyms and libraries into classrooms to maintain distance.

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