Teller Report

He works from a safe place ... Corona afflicts the highest-ranking Trump administration official

7/27/2020, 7:28:24 PM

The White House has announced that President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien has been infected with the new Corona virus, and is the highest-ranking White House official to have been infected with the virus.

The White House has announced that President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien has been infected with the new Corona virus, and is the highest-ranking Trump administration official to prove he has the virus.

The White House said in a statement that O'Brien suffers from mild symptoms, has isolated himself and works from a safe place outside the White House, adding that his injury does not pose any danger to the president or his deputy.

Bloomberg had quoted a person familiar with the matter as saying that O'Brien was the closest person to the president infected with the virus, and that he had not worked from his office since late last week. At his home since his condition was diagnosed.

O'Brien visited Paris in mid-July, where he met his French, German, Italian and British counterparts in particular.

In May, it was revealed that Katie Miller, a spokeswoman for Vice President Mike Pence and wife of Stephen Miller, close advisor to Donald Trump, had an infected Corona virus, but recovered and returned to work.