Teller Report

Battles in al-Bayda, al-Jawf, and Ma'rib ... and the destruction of a drone installation workshop in Amran

7/27/2020, 10:07:13 PM

Houthi militias incurred dozens of dead and wounded, including prominent field leaders, while fighting continued in the fronts of Al-Bayda, Al-Jawf, Marib, and Naham Sanaa, while coalition fighters managed to destroy a workshop to install drones in Amran Governorate, north of the capital, while Yemeni forces managed

Houthi militias incurred dozens of dead and wounded, including prominent field leaders, while fighting continued in the fronts of Al Bayda, Al Jawf, Marib, and Naham Sanaa, while coalition fighters managed to destroy a workshop to install drones in Amran Governorate, north of the capital, while the Yemeni joint forces in the west coast managed to comb A number of militia nests on the fronts of Al-Tahita and Hayes in the south of Hodeidah.

In the details, the Qaniyah and Al-Abediya fronts between Al-Bayda and Ma'rib governorates witnessed violent battles yesterday between the army and tribes on one side and the Houthi militia on the other side, the fiercest of which was concentrated in the Al-Abediya front that witnessed fierce battles between the two sides, which led to deaths and injuries among the militias, among them Prominent field leaders, according to field sources, noting that the battles continued until yesterday morning, in which various types of weapons were used.

The sources confirmed that the army and the tribes were able to break and thwart a large-scale militia attack on these areas, after they mobilized their members from Dhamar, Sana'a and Amran, and pushed them to Al-Bayda, pointing out that six militia members were captured while trying to infiltrate a military site in Qania, while appealing The Red Cross army forces are recovering the bodies of the Houthi militia on the front lines of fighting in Qania and Al-Abdiyyah, including their seduced children.

Field sources in Qaniyeh reported that the militia had inflicted 35 dead Houthis in the battles of the past two days in Qaniyeh and Abdiyya, including a number of field leaders, including Abd al-Ahmad Ahmad Abdo al-Darwani, Captain Aref Ali Ashyan, Captain Hamoud Yahya al-Sarraji, Lieutenant Saad Ali Ahmed Abu Hassan, Dr. Khaled Anwar Ahmed Al-Maqtari, Haitham Ahmed Ibrahim al-Junaid, Jamal Ali Sharaf al-Din, Ali Walid Muhammad Ahmad al-Washali.

The militia had buried 715 of the bodies of its members during the past two days, whose bodies were jammed in hospital refrigerators in their areas of control without informing their families, especially since most of the bodies do not know their identity.

On the Al-Jawf and Marib fronts, military sources in the sixth region confirmed renewed confrontations between the army and the tribes and the Houthi militias on the fronts of the forces and the flag between Marib and Al-Jawf, indicating that the militias incurred heavy losses in the ranks of their elements and their equipment, as a result of the intense bombing of the army and coalition fighters supporting them.

In the Sirwah Front in Marib, field sources said that the army launched an artillery bombardment at the Houthi positions in the vicinity of the district's center and its market, which resulted in deaths and injuries and the destruction of militia's military vehicles, while the coalition fighters launched eight raids on the targets, locations and fortifications of the militias in the Sarwah and Mazrar fronts, which led to Destruction of mechanisms, killing and injuring a number of Houthis.

In Amran, north of the capital, Sanaa, coalition fighters destroyed a Houthi site that includes a workshop for the manufacture and installation of drones, in the Houth region, north of Amran governorate, between Sana'a and Saada, according to local sources, confirming that huge explosions occurred in one of the workshops for installing drones and manufacturing explosives belonging to the militias in the Houth region Bamran. In Al Hudaydah on the western coast, the joint Yemeni forces combed several areas in the Al-Faza front in the district of Al-Tahita, which are under constant attack and shelling by the militias, as they managed to comb farms and cliffs that were used by the militia elements to station and launch attacks in the area.

The "joint" also combed several areas in the vicinity of Hayis District through specialized units of the 11 Giants Brigade, which cleared several sites in the Beit Maghari area northwest of the district, and left among the militia ranks dead and wounded who had been recovered by their members on a military vehicle.

In Al Dhale'e, the militia killed the 15-year-old Abdulaziz Al-Dharhani, by abducting him and pushing him on the battlefronts, without his family's knowledge, to return to her after a month of disappearance.

During the past two days, the militias buried 715 of the bodies of their members, which were piled in hospital refrigerators.

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